What is the meanest fish for an aquarium?

I want a fish that can snap a fish in half. But it has to be legal in the US though. So snake heads and pirhana's aren't an option. Thanks for any answers.Lol, what the hell do you think they do in the wild? Eat each other. I have an Oscar already, he…

    What is the meanest fish for an aquarium?

    I want a fish that can snap a fish in half. But it has to be legal in the US though. So snake heads and pirhana's aren't an option. Thanks for any answers.Lol, what the hell do you think they do in the wild? Eat each other. I have an Oscar already, he…...
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    • What is the meanest fish for an aquarium?

      What is the meanest fish for an aquarium? Other Pet Discussions
      I want a fish that can snap a fish in half. But it has to be legal in the US though. So snake heads and pirhana's aren't an option. Thanks for any answers.Lol, what the hell do you think they do in the wild? Eat each other. I have an Oscar already, he swallows fish, and yea I enjoy it. Everyone does. My bearded dragon eats crickets EVERYDAY. Guess what? I enjoy it EVERYDAY!

      What is the meanest fish for an aquarium?

      What is the meanest fish for an aquarium? Other Pet Discussions
    • first off piranhas are legal in most states in the US anywaysbettas only attack there own kind they dont attack other species of fish Goliath african tiger fishpayaraafrican pike vittamus african tiger fishgars.... but they dont snap a fish in half they just swallow them wolf fish new zealand longfin eel pacu... they mostly eat nuts but mine eats goldfish to

    • A perfect fish I would suggest, are Cichlids. They're a beautiful AND aggressive meat eating fish. They're usually a group fish though so you could get more than one. Some different cichlids are Tiger Oscars (these guys get to be about 12 inches long but are beautiful), Electric Yellows (but they are more peaceful), Electric Blues, all that stuff.I think the number one fish I would recommend though is the Jaguar Cichlid. It's a beautiful wicked looking fish and an aggressive one too. Your only problem may be getting a big tank for it. For one of them I would get a 55 gallon tank. If you want to get a pair though I would suggest a 75 gallon tank. Females get to be around 13/14 inches and male can be 15/16 inches.Hope you like the fish and good luck with finding one ;Dp.s I would suggest looking at the link I attached for information and seeing what they look like. I added a couple links so you could get an estimated idea on them.

    • i have 3 green spotted puffers there not mean.bettas can fight. im am a betta breeder i know. female bettas do fight each other. i have a 3 year old snapping turtle get one if you want a mean animal. he tears minows apart. he eats the back than the front.