Where did Dogs Come From and what does the word dog mean?

How did dogs become the way they are and why do we call them dogs?

    Where did Dogs Come From and what does the word dog mean?

    How did dogs become the way they are and why do we call them dogs?...
    General Dog Discussions : Where did Dogs Come From and what does the word dog mean?...

    • Where did Dogs Come From and what does the word dog mean?

      Where did Dogs Come From and what does the word dog mean? General Dog Discussions
      How did dogs become the way they are and why do we call them dogs?

      Where did Dogs Come From and what does the word dog mean?

      Where did Dogs Come From and what does the word dog mean? General Dog Discussions
    • Based on DNA evidence, the wolf ancestors of modern dogs diverged from other wolves about 100,000 years ago and dogs were domesticated from those wolf ancestors about 15,000 years ago. This date would make dogs the first organism to be domesticated by humans.Evidence suggests that dogs were first domesticated in East Asia, possibly China, and some of the peoples who entered North America took dogs with them from Asia.As humans migrated around the planet a variety of dog forms migrated with them. The agricultural revolution and subsequent urban revolution led to an increase in the dog population and a demand for specialization. These circumstances would provide the opportunity for selective breeding to create specialized working dogs and pets.The English word dog might derive from the Old English docga, a "powerful breed of canine". The English word hound is a cognate of German Hund, Dutch hond, common Scandinavian hund, Icelandic hundur which, though referring to a specific breed in English, means "dog" in general in the other Germanic languages. Hound itself derives from the Proto-Indo-European , which is the direct root of the Greek and the indirect root of the Latin canis through the variant form.

    • The English word dog might derive from the Old English docga, a "powerful breed of canine". The English word hound is a cognate of German Hund, Dutch hond, common Scandinavian hund, Icelandic hundur which, though referring to a specific breed in English, means "dog" in general in the other Germanic languages. Hound itself derives from the Proto-Indo-European *kwon-, which is the direct root of the Greek κυων (kuōn) and the indirect root of the Latin canis through the variant form *kani-.[1]In breeding circles, a male canine is referred to as a dog, while a female canine is called a bitch. The father of a litter is called the sire, and the mother of a litter is called the dam. Offspring are generally called pups or puppies until they are about a year old. A group of offspring is a litter. The process of birth is whelping. Many terms are used for dogs that are not purebr

    • First, they are called dogs because they aren't called hyenas. Second: sometime back before written history man realized that wolf would be a good companion to help with hunting and camp security. Wolves were brought into Man's society and bred for traits. One trait that was bred for was friendliness to humans, a willingness to accept humans as pack alphas. Eventually other breeds were specifically bred for, such as lap dogs (for royalty), herders, hunters, etc.

    • they evolved from wolves. It only took humans about 12 years to fully domesticate the wolf. here is a Q similar to yours http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071031012835AAHDcyo

    • Seriously...the person that throws out the God theory gets thumbs up and everyone else that answers having scientific evidence to back it up gets thumbs down....come on people.The others have given you detailed answers about how dogs were descendants of wolves.