What is your experiances with pet insurance for rabbits?

We have 2 young rabbits and were wondering how VPI pet insurance is, co-pay, customer service, total payout, excetera. Anything you can tell us will be appreciated. Also, do you know of any other pet insurance that insures rabbits? Have any comments…

    What is your experiances with pet insurance for rabbits?

    We have 2 young rabbits and were wondering how VPI pet insurance is, co-pay, customer service, total payout, excetera. Anything you can tell us will be appreciated. Also, do you know of any other pet insurance that insures rabbits? Have any comments…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is your experiances with pet insurance for rabbits?...

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    • What is your experiances with pet insurance for rabbits?

      What is your experiances with pet insurance for rabbits? Other Pet Discussions
      We have 2 young rabbits and were wondering how VPI pet insurance is, co-pay, customer service, total payout, excetera. Anything you can tell us will be appreciated. Also, do you know of any other pet insurance that insures rabbits? Have any comments on them? Thanks!I can't belive the stupid answers I am getting, rabbits are wild animals, pet insurance is stupid? This question is for real people that have real pets, that use real pet insurance.

      What is your experiances with pet insurance for rabbits?

      What is your experiances with pet insurance for rabbits? Other Pet Discussions
    • They offered me pet insurance in my package with my other insurance at my job along with legal insurance and other insurances. I declined because I thought it was too expensive. Not that your rabbit is not a loving and valuable member of your family but it seems like it might not be necessary.

    • I have had it on my ferret it basically just covers emergenicies no routine checkups or vaccinations, spay nuetur etc. and there are certin things it dosent cover but it is good to have just in case you would have to call them to find out exactly whats covered on rabbits. Although with this insurance you pay the vet up front then get reimbursed by the insurance company. The best thing to do is get a list of what is covered and what isnt and talk with your vet about it.

    • iv been raised with rabbits for my whole life but i never put pet insurence on them cuz they dont need it. even though its ur pet, that still dosnt mean that the rabbit is still wild. all rabbits are born wild. but u dont put insurence on wild animals do u!! nope.

    • For a rabbit.I wouldn't bother taking it out nothing really that expensive can happen to it.I have pet insurance for my dog and cat because we live next to a busy road so more could happen to them then a rabbit.If you keep it in its cage and take good care of it theres no need to take out insurance.