Is there any way to guarantee that a store bought goldfish is a virgin?

I am going to put a couple of new ones in my tank and don't want them to transmit diseases to the other fish.

    Is there any way to guarantee that a store bought goldfish is a virgin?

    I am going to put a couple of new ones in my tank and don't want them to transmit diseases to the other fish....
    Other Pet Discussions : Is there any way to guarantee that a store bought goldfish is a virgin?...

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    • Is there any way to guarantee that a store bought goldfish is a virgin?

      Is there any way to guarantee that a store bought goldfish is a virgin? Other Pet Discussions
      I am going to put a couple of new ones in my tank and don't want them to transmit diseases to the other fish.

      Is there any way to guarantee that a store bought goldfish is a virgin?

      Is there any way to guarantee that a store bought goldfish is a virgin? Other Pet Discussions
    • if i'm not mistaken then goldfish does not have internal sex. The female sheds a load of eggs and then the male fertelizes them by squirting his sperm over them. I know carp does it this way, not 100% on goldfish tho but they are of the same family.Your fish can spread disease to your other fis if it has an infection or is carrying any germs over from it's previous home.O yea, i also believe goldfish doesn't have any STD or Aids, just bad genes and genetic disorders

    • virgins? no, but you can make sure there disease free by putting them in a smaller tank or bowl and giving them a ick treatment for 24 hours BEFORE you put them in your tank.

    • no fish are virgins when you buy from a fish store most of them have already breed to many times to count they come from fish hatcherysof that breed do u honestly think that fish was just caught from the wild and shipped to the stores u should have a isolation tank for any new fish u buy i use methane blue medication in the tank keep them there about a week look at there eyes fins body are they swimming around in the tank look for clear eyes swimming around fins not tore up body should be clear of any thing looking like salt ask the store when they got the shippment in if only a few days or that day the fish are most likly stressed there are also people like me who raise fish and sell to stores and people like you and its always best to only buy from one store get to know them and never buy fish from WALMART OR ANY STORE LIKE THEM hope i have helped you

    • Since they can't even tell you the gender of the fish, I suspect it is expecting a bit too much to ask for virgins. However, you should definitely ask this in the shop. The sales guy would likely be wetting their pants and would for once actually have a truly funny story to tell in the pub at night.