How Long is a cat pregnant before giving birth?

I just want to know how long my cat will be pregnant before she finally pops. She is huge now and it seems like maybe she is overdue, but I can't know if somethings wrong until I'm sure she is overdue.

    How Long is a cat pregnant before giving birth?

    I just want to know how long my cat will be pregnant before she finally pops. She is huge now and it seems like maybe she is overdue, but I can't know if somethings wrong until I'm sure she is overdue....
    Other Pet Discussions : How Long is a cat pregnant before giving birth?...

    • How Long is a cat pregnant before giving birth?

      How Long is a cat pregnant before giving birth? Other Pet Discussions
      I just want to know how long my cat will be pregnant before she finally pops. She is huge now and it seems like maybe she is overdue, but I can't know if somethings wrong until I'm sure she is overdue.

      How Long is a cat pregnant before giving birth?

      How Long is a cat pregnant before giving birth? Other Pet Discussions
    • it's about 3 months that cats are pregnant. usually right before they have babies they'll be looking for hiding spots to have the kittens, and also want a lot of attention from pet them and stuff.

    • Average gestation periods for cats is 63 to 69 days. Siamese may carry kittens for as many as 71 days.Is it possible for my pet to experience a false pregnancy?Yes. This may occur after she goes through a heat cycle. Signs of false pregnancy include: swollen mammary glands, nesting behavior, and the "adoption" of a small object, such as a blanket or a stuffed animal. If false pregnancies reoccur, you may want to consider having your pet spayed.

    • it's anywhere between 60 and 68 days, and she will breastfeed anywhere between 6 and 10 weeks, but after that she may start to beat up her kittens so be careful!

    • Cats are only pregnant for 9 weeks. Once you can realy tell she is pregnant, it will only be about two weeks left. (i had a cat that got insanely huge, like, unpossibly huge, but the babies all came, and there were no difficulties, but if you are worried, you could ask a vet)

    • Everybody loves kittens...but getting your cat spayed would be the best option for you and for her. In my town alone last year there were 5200 animals euthanized due to being homeless. There are enough unwanted animals in this world, please don't continue to help increase the numbers. SAVE LIVES....SPAY AND NEUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!