How do you get goldfish eggs to hatch out?

How do ya get the male to fertalize the eggs? do i need to do anything special ?

    How do you get goldfish eggs to hatch out?

    How do ya get the male to fertalize the eggs? do i need to do anything special ?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you get goldfish eggs to hatch out?...

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    • How do you get goldfish eggs to hatch out?

      How do you get goldfish eggs to hatch out? Other Pet Discussions
      How do ya get the male to fertalize the eggs? do i need to do anything special ?

      How do you get goldfish eggs to hatch out?

      How do you get goldfish eggs to hatch out? Other Pet Discussions
    • make sure it is fertilized by the male.the temp of the water also plays a significant role in the hatching of the natural temp (probably around 20'C), eggs hatch from 3-7 days.

    • Sounds gross but you can do it for them. Do a lot of research before you try it. i.e. buy a book. Essentially you squeeze the eggs out of the female into a sepaerate tank you already have established. Then you milk the male- stir it up and presto fertilized eggs. in the bottom of the spawning tank you should put netting the fertilized eggs get sticky so when you pull it out you can clean out a majority of the unfertlized ones which reduces your risk of egg fungus. When goldfish are milked they produce considerably less eggs but the fertilization and hatching rate are higher. They generally spawn naturally once you put them back in the tank together.If you dont do your research first and try it then you can kill your little babies. So- be responsible.For the most part when my fish spawn I let them do it naturally and leave the eggs and fry in the tank. I dont need 700 more fish. Survival of the fittest- only the healthiest ones survive. Normally like 2.Another thing to keep in mind- if your fish aren't spawning naturally there is probably a reason. Did you feed them the apporpriate diet last fall- have you adjusted their water temp and on and on. If it was meant to be it will happen- just give them some time.Good Luck!!!