What is the easiest way to bring up impotence on a first date?

I'm going on a date and have been having a few problems getting and keeping it up. How would I explain this to my potential partner?

    What is the easiest way to bring up impotence on a first date?

    I'm going on a date and have been having a few problems getting and keeping it up. How would I explain this to my potential partner?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the easiest way to bring up impotence on a first date?...

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    • What is the easiest way to bring up impotence on a first date?

      What is the easiest way to bring up impotence on a first date? Other Pet Discussions
      I'm going on a date and have been having a few problems getting and keeping it up. How would I explain this to my potential partner?

      What is the easiest way to bring up impotence on a first date?

      What is the easiest way to bring up impotence on a first date? Other Pet Discussions
    • I do not think it is something you need to bring up on the first date. And there could be some reasons why you cant "keep" it up. Talk to your doctor. but dont bring it up on the first date wait and see where the date goes.. and there is other ways of pleasing your girl.

    • Well, I don't think there is an easy way. And I would actually suggest waiting until later in the relationship to say something. You won't even have a chance to find out about each other if you scare her off right away. I mean would you say things like "By the way I bite my nails, suck my thumb, and don't wash my hands after using the restroom." on the first date? See if this is someone who you like first, get to know them, and then late when the need arises, talk to her about it.

    • To be perfectly honest with you - there is no reason why impotence needs to come up (pardon the pun) on a first date!Who knows, ya'll might not make it to a second date & there you'll have gone & spilled your private secrets to this person with whom you didn't hit it off! Wait until you get to know her better before discussing something so intimate - what's the rush? Unless, of course, all you plan to do is shag her on the first date & that's it (not cool). When you do broach the subject, be as honest as possible about it. Just state the fact clearly that sometimes you have a few problems & you would have to see what will happen when ya'll get intimate. But the state of your lovelife is not really first-date material, believe me. Good Luck!

    • surely that subject arises(sorry) when you get round to the sexy bit and not before ,than you can bring it up(sorry)and she will find out for herself what your hang up is(sorry)but dont be letdown(sorry) there are ways that can raise(sorry)your hopes ,stop smoking and see a doktor they got medicens these days, for problems like that.

    • On a first date- no woman wants to know that you can not keep it up. If you follow the rules of etiquette-hugs are okay on the first date. Not sexual preference or lack there-of.

    • thats not first date conversation! wait till you get to know her a bit, then think about talking about it, once your confortable talkin about sex with her.

    • Just tell her Mr. Dinky is more like Mr.Slinky.Again I have to ask: You have talked about your wife in questions and now its about first dates. Are you married, dating, or having an affair?Still waiting on the answers to my questions!!!!!!!!!!!!