What is the best kind of dog to have as a pet if you have children?

I'd like to find one that is easy to care for, and that tends to have an easy-going personality.

    What is the best kind of dog to have as a pet if you have children?

    I'd like to find one that is easy to care for, and that tends to have an easy-going personality....
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the best kind of dog to have as a pet if you have children?...

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    • What is the best kind of dog to have as a pet if you have children?

      What is the best kind of dog to have as a pet if you have children? Other Pet Discussions
      I'd like to find one that is easy to care for, and that tends to have an easy-going personality.

      What is the best kind of dog to have as a pet if you have children?

      What is the best kind of dog to have as a pet if you have children? Other Pet Discussions
    • I'd say a small retriever, the kinds that don't grow into a big golden retriever, the little pale orange ones. You've seen them in the toliet paper commericals, so you might know what I'm talking about. I'v heard they are one of the most playful pets. They all love kids, especially babys. Usually they'll play with the baby, but they really watch what they're doing because they would never hurt him/her. Needless to say they would hardly ever use the bathroom in your house. Long as you have time to take them outside in your backyard, and play with them from time to time with your child, they would make a best friend to your child especially. It could help the child learn to take care of things from pets. Feeding them, giving them bathes, sometimes its fun to kids to give their dog baths. So whether you have a girl or boy, your dog would probably play with the child until he is dead tired and can't even walk anymore. So fee the dog right, and never feed it table scraps, and you should have a clean, healthy dog. Thats why I say small retrievers would make the best pet for a child. Last never go to sites to check on things, especially for a dog, because you never know what the personality for the dog will be like.

    • I say take the kids for a visit to an animal shelter / Humane Society and take notes of the interaction you see happening between the kids and the dogs. Look for the chemistry. You may want to do this several times.I'll bet you, the kids, and the right dog will find each other.Be sure to ask the caretakers of the shelter lots of questions. Chances are, they can help.

    • The most important question is, how many children you have, what are their ages and have they been around dogs before? Even the most easy going dog is going to become a problem if the kids tease,chase and torment the dog. The dog doesn't know and is very scared, so it bites.There is not a dog on earth that is "easy to care for." Every dog like every child needs and deserves a lot of your daily attention and love in order to thrive. You should probably discuss this with someone that knows you and your kids.Perhaps your doctor? Or a vet that you know? You don't want to adopt a dog and have to get rid of it because it snapped at a child.

    • You might want to check into a Boston Terrier..Ours has been very tolerant with even our two year old grandson...and they are so smart...Very good people dog...There are plenty of info sites on the web to read about them and see what they look like.

    • From experience and observation, labs are great with children - no matter what their size. I don't know of a dog with a better interaction with children. I will, however, say that if your children are under 5 years of age that you should postpone getting a dog until they reach 5 or older. The reasons for this are many. And there are many rescues that will not adopt dogs to families or households where there are children under 5 years of age, as many of these dogs are returned due to problems that arise from either the lack of time to care for the dog, or poor interaction between the dog and the child. So, to sum up, no breed or kind of dog is suitable for children who have not reached a suitable level of maturity and size, usually around 5 years or older. And, if these conditions are met, then consider a lab. If you do decide to adopt a dog or buy one (God forbid).

    • It depends on if you want a small dog or a large one, the age of your children, your living situation etc. I would get a Doberman for my kids, but someone else might want a Lab or a terrier... this site and those like it will help you I promise. http://www.iams.com/en_US/jhtmls/breed_selector/sw_BreedSelector_page.jhtml?li=en_US&bc=I&pti=BS#

    • I agree with the previous post about taking the kids to the shelter or through a rescue group and finding each other. Don't forget though. A dog is a huge responsibility. An adult responsibility and you should make sure that your kids know how to handle their dog safely and correctly. Kids are often rough with animals and scare them. Make sure you supervise their actions and teach them how to care for their "new best friend".

    • Check out this site for more specific info has a pic on the page that says "Good with Kids" if they are indeed good w/ kids: http://www.petsmart.com/ps/guides/aspca_breed_guide_main.jsp?FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302023783&CONTENT%3C%3Ecnt_id=10134198673312800&bmUID=1136302382025Choosing a pet: http://www.petsmart.com/global/articles/article_detail.jsp?CONTENT%3C%3Ecnt_id=10134198673331118&bmUID=1136302685784Pets and Kids: http://www.petsmart.com/global/articles/article_detail.jsp?CONTENT%3C%3Ecnt_id=10134198673340109&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302024219&bmUID=1136302685874In my family we have a ton of dogs always have...personal opinions: Border Collies (Best Choice) Pomeranians (Pretty good like adults better) Beagles (too aggressive about food and toys) Chesapeake Bay Retriever (too much love for small children) Weimaraners (OK like adults better) Lhasa Apso (Worst choice around kids) but there are always different dogs :)

    • Let me make a suggestion and I'm sure I'm going to hear it from all the pet lovers. If you have kids don't get a pet. Be honest with yourself. Are you really going to take the dog with you to Disney? Or when little Bobby wants to go to visit relatives for the weekend, what are you going to do with this new family member. I personally know several families that have pets and groan about arrangments for when they want to go somewhere. I have a dog. We have had it for 4 years. Now we have a 10 month old. She crawls. Yesterday he snapped at her when she crawled up behind him. He is lucky to be alive.