How do i tame a hostile cockatiel?

I adopted a 20 year old cockatiel and i am trying to tame it. He is hostile and everytime i try to touch it, he hisses. He's just unapproachable.

    How do i tame a hostile cockatiel?

    I adopted a 20 year old cockatiel and i am trying to tame it. He is hostile and everytime i try to touch it, he hisses. He's just unapproachable....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do i tame a hostile cockatiel?...

    • How do i tame a hostile cockatiel?

      How do i tame a hostile cockatiel? Other Pet Discussions
      I adopted a 20 year old cockatiel and i am trying to tame it. He is hostile and everytime i try to touch it, he hisses. He's just unapproachable.

      How do i tame a hostile cockatiel?

      How do i tame a hostile cockatiel? Other Pet Discussions
    • You'd be lucky to get a wallet, never mind boots and a belt! Honestly.The first thing you might try is to change your attitude that he is hostile. Cockatiels hiss when they are scared. It might also help to realize that he may never become what you might consider tame. Change your expectations and you'll take the pressure off your relationship with him. Once you've done that, yup, it's gonna take some time. Just talk to him each time you feed him or walk by his cage (I "accidentally" taught mine to say "yummy, yummy!" by saying this each time I fed him!). Sit near his cage and just read or whatever, not necessarily looking at him or anything. If you stick your hand in his cage, he's gonna hiss; cockatiels tend to be cage protective. He may be a totally different bird away from his cage. You could remove him from his cage and take him to another room, but getting him out could be an issue. Once you've had him for a bit and if you feel comfortable doing so and the room is bird proofed, you could let him out for a fly. He will probably eventually come to investigate you. My cockatiel is not handtame, but whenever I let him out, he usually flies straight on to my head. He likes me, but he won't sit on my finger or let me touch him...and I'm fine with that. He will also come and chew on my paper or nibble on my earrings (aka bird toys). He eventually goes back into his cage by himself. If you can accept your bird for what he is, not what you want him to be, you can still have a happy relationship with him. He may also become tame given time.

    • clip his feather and give him some time out from cage, let him discover his he won't be scared to him with a calming voice. and DON'T pressure him to be friendly. it takes lots of time and Patience. GOOD LUCK :)

    • I had the exact same problem!We got our cockatiel from a friend that got it from a friend that had kids that used to poke it and bother it all the time so it was mean. Hissing is completely normal, my cockatiel still hisses when it is dark and he can't see anything. What we did with ours is, actually reached in and grabbed him (don't be scared!) and held him and talked to him, and after we did this for days and days and days, he realized we weren't going to hurt him- the clincher was he discovered he LOVES to be petted, especially on his orange cheeks (where his ears are) and now he begs to be petted. Do not be scared of him- he can sense this and will feel like he has some power over you, be the boss.Cockatiels are always a little bit standoffish but you must show them that you are the boss, so you MUST clip their wings, that will teach them to depend on you. Also, try hand feeding him things that he will like- my bird loves these little round seed balls that you can get at the pet store, has a seed mix and peanut butter in it.

    • You can start by interacting with him with gloves so when he bites you don't feel it. He will then realize that biting is futile. Then eventually he will realize that when you take him out and pet him and play with him and give him treats that you are not trying to hurt him.