How do you make the backing stick to the tank?

It seems that most of the time I can't get the whole thing to stay put so you can see all of it through the glass. Is there some secret to getting it to stay put?

    How do you make the backing stick to the tank?

    It seems that most of the time I can't get the whole thing to stay put so you can see all of it through the glass. Is there some secret to getting it to stay put?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you make the backing stick to the tank?...

    • How do you make the backing stick to the tank?

      How do you make the backing stick to the tank? Other Pet Discussions
      It seems that most of the time I can't get the whole thing to stay put so you can see all of it through the glass. Is there some secret to getting it to stay put?

      How do you make the backing stick to the tank?

      How do you make the backing stick to the tank? Other Pet Discussions
    • You need to tape it to the back of the tank! Don't put in the inside of you tank! It will work! It sounds silly, but I can't tell you how many times I had people come into my shop and want to return backing becasue they put it on the inside of the tank!