How do i teach my puppy to walk on a leash?

We got him from a shelter two weeks ago. Is it possible he was abused? When i put the lease on him he just freezes. If i try to tug on the leash he freaks out and trys to take it off. I really dont want to use a choker on him. Help! I want to take my…

    How do i teach my puppy to walk on a leash?

    We got him from a shelter two weeks ago. Is it possible he was abused? When i put the lease on him he just freezes. If i try to tug on the leash he freaks out and trys to take it off. I really dont want to use a choker on him. Help! I want to take my…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do i teach my puppy to walk on a leash?...

    • How do i teach my puppy to walk on a leash?

      How do i teach my puppy to walk on a leash? Other Pet Discussions
      We got him from a shelter two weeks ago. Is it possible he was abused? When i put the lease on him he just freezes. If i try to tug on the leash he freaks out and trys to take it off. I really dont want to use a choker on him. Help! I want to take my puppy for a walk.

      How do i teach my puppy to walk on a leash?

      How do i teach my puppy to walk on a leash? Other Pet Discussions
    • That happened to me and my puppy when got him.Over time he just did it.So just be patient and it will come.Maybe cause they are puppies.Just maybe get treats and get him going that way.good luck.

    • DON'T USE A CHOKER!It's really mean to do that to a little puppy! Just try to pick him up sometimes when he doesn't move. Then set him down after a little. Repeat this for days to come and he should be able to walk a little better. Give him treats when he walks also! It helps them realize they are doing something you want them to do!

    • it is possible he was abused. how u get him to walk on the leash is easy.when he dont want to go just quit pulling and bend downand love him he needs love if he was abused.

    • Put a lead on him, but don't take him for a walk. Try this in the garden and at regular intervals just for a short period of time each time. If he is scared of you pulling his lead, it will make him worse when you do it. Just let him walk around with the lead trailing behind him so he is not being restrained by it. He will get used to the feeling of having the lead on him. When he is used to that, pick up the lead, but hold it loosely and walk where he wants to go - don't pull him. When he is used to feeling you hold the lead he shouldn't mind you guiding him around and taking him for a walk. My dog was exactly the same when she was a puppy. You have just got to build up their confidence to you and the lead. Hope this helps.