Why does my dog eat rocks and how do I stop it?

I presently muzzle her when she is in the backyard, but that seems so cruel. Any other ideas?

    Why does my dog eat rocks and how do I stop it?

    I presently muzzle her when she is in the backyard, but that seems so cruel. Any other ideas?...
    Other Pet Discussions : Why does my dog eat rocks and how do I stop it?...

    • Why does my dog eat rocks and how do I stop it?

      Why does my dog eat rocks and how do I stop it? Other Pet Discussions
      I presently muzzle her when she is in the backyard, but that seems so cruel. Any other ideas?

      Why does my dog eat rocks and how do I stop it?

      Why does my dog eat rocks and how do I stop it? Other Pet Discussions
    • DONT HIT YOUR DOG!Your dog is seeking out salt on the surface of the rocks. Add some, small amount, of salt to its food. Also, put hot sauce on some of the rocks in the back yard. Your dog will get the hint.(Rolls up a news paper and smacks the member who said to hit your dog!)

    • There are some kinds of spray that have an awful taste or smell to them that you can buy at most pet supply stores that is generally used to keep dogs from chewing on household objects(like shoes). maybe you could try spaying some of that on the rocks...

    • My dog ate rocks when he was young. We even had to have surgery to remove one from his intestine that was about the size of a golf ball. I tried the muzzle too and hated it. I finally removed all the rocks from the back yard that I could find. You could also put up a dog run. Maybe you should try changing dog food. He might not be getting enough minerals. He finally quit doing it after he was about 3 years old. How old is your dog?