What 10 fruits and veggies should i never give to my foal?

i love my foal and i want to take the very best care of him. So i would like people to tell me the top ten fruits and veggies i shouldn't give him.

    What 10 fruits and veggies should i never give to my foal?

    i love my foal and i want to take the very best care of him. So i would like people to tell me the top ten fruits and veggies i shouldn't give him....
    Other Pet Discussions : What 10 fruits and veggies should i never give to my foal?...

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    • What 10 fruits and veggies should i never give to my foal?

      What 10 fruits and veggies should i never give to my foal? Other Pet Discussions
      i love my foal and i want to take the very best care of him. So i would like people to tell me the top ten fruits and veggies i shouldn't give him.

      What 10 fruits and veggies should i never give to my foal?

      What 10 fruits and veggies should i never give to my foal? Other Pet Discussions
    • Rather than asking what not to give why not ask what you can give them?Carrots and apples and personally I do not give mine anything but their grain and hay. For a treat I feed alfalfa cubes in a bucket. Not by hand as it can form a biting habit.

    • Some foods you should never give your horse include avocados as they are poisonous to a horse's system, most nuts are not tolerated by horses, grass clippings from your lawn can cause your horse a case of life threatening colic that could kill them. DONT feed potatoes or cake or too much bread.

    • I wouldn't give him anything other than regular appropriate feed for a foal. Definitely do not give him potatoes, tomatoes, avocado, rhubarb or cherries - all very toxic!

    • Taking the very best care of your foal should include a proper balanced diet - one that starts out coming from Mom,and then onto a "growth" formula -I prefer Omolene 300,but there are others out there that are just as good.I too dont reccomend feeding foals treats - they dont need them and its also a fantastic way to have a baby become mouthy and nippy.I would focus on rewarding your foal by stroking & petting and teaching him ground manners :)That to me is the best foundation to a great relationship.

    • Don't give iceberg lettuce it's basically water and can cause diarrhea if they get too much.I agree with sticking to the well known basics, horses don't need any exotic variety of fresh foods.

    • Most people dont know this, but cherries are very toxic to horses and can kill them quickly. Even eating the leaves or branches can harm them too.