How can I stop a kitten from attacking my house plant?

I have a kitten and she can now reach every sopt in my apartment. No ledge is too high. She can even scale up the side of a dresser to get to a ledge. I have a house plant that she is determined to destroy and every place I move it to she automatically…

    How can I stop a kitten from attacking my house plant?

    I have a kitten and she can now reach every sopt in my apartment. No ledge is too high. She can even scale up the side of a dresser to get to a ledge. I have a house plant that she is determined to destroy and every place I move it to she automatically…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I stop a kitten from attacking my house plant?...

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    • How can I stop a kitten from attacking my house plant?

      How can I stop a kitten from attacking my house plant? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a kitten and she can now reach every sopt in my apartment. No ledge is too high. She can even scale up the side of a dresser to get to a ledge. I have a house plant that she is determined to destroy and every place I move it to she automatically goes for it. Last night she toppled the plant over and I moved it and she kept going for it so I sprayed her with water so many times she got a bath. Nevertheless, this only makes her more determined to go after the plant. Finally I just put the plant in a closet and don't know what to do next.

      How can I stop a kitten from attacking my house plant?

      How can I stop a kitten from attacking my house plant? Other Pet Discussions
    • Put the plant on a table and place a motion sensor next to it.The cat will go for the plant, the sensor will detect the difference in time it takes for the ultraviolet waves to return, the alarm will go off, the cat will get scared and run away, the cat will eventually learn not to mess with the plant.

    • get a spray bottle fill it with water when you catch it doing it spay it with the water it will get the hint after awhile I did this with my cat to keep her off the counter with in two weeks shes stopped hope this helps

    • Put the plant in the the most open part of a room so she can only get to it by the floor. Surround the plant with pieces of tape on the floor with the sticky side up. The tape will stick to her feet. She won't like it and after a couple times she'll associate interest in the plant with getting tape stuck to her paws.

    • There are some cats that will go after plants regardless of what you do. I have 2 plants that live outside on my porch steps that I cannot keep in the house - even when I bring them in to water them the cats will go crazy and start chewing on them. Water didn't work either when I squirt them - they dare me to continue squirting them. You may not be able to have any plants in your house.Another thought - if you have wooden beams on the ceiling (some older houses do) you may try putting the plants in a hanging pot and dangling from the ceiling - away from the walls if possible. Try to get creative but as I said - you may not be able to have plants in your house.