What is the average life span of my rabbit?

My rabbit lives outside in a large hutch, with two attached runs to it from where I have bought them and secured them on. She gets locked in her hutch at night, and has a protective cover over it to protect from wind, rain and others. However, she loves…

    What is the average life span of my rabbit?

    My rabbit lives outside in a large hutch, with two attached runs to it from where I have bought them and secured them on. She gets locked in her hutch at night, and has a protective cover over it to protect from wind, rain and others. However, she loves…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the average life span of my rabbit?...

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    • What is the average life span of my rabbit?

      What is the average life span of my rabbit? Other Pet Discussions
      My rabbit lives outside in a large hutch, with two attached runs to it from where I have bought them and secured them on. She gets locked in her hutch at night, and has a protective cover over it to protect from wind, rain and others. However, she loves rain so can't stop that in the daytime. She has a heat pad in her indoor area for cold nights. She has plenty of toys and interaction, and she is soon to have a new buddy. What is her average life span? I heard outdoor rabbits have life span of 1 year, but she is already one years old and I do not want her to come to the end of her days now!! She is very active also.I hope she lives to the age of 5 at least, is this realistic?Sorry...but keeping a rabbit indoor is impractical when you have other animals etc. Don't tell me how to 'care' for my rabbit, as I give my rabbit a lot of care and attention which she needs. I am a good pet owner and do not like stupid people telling me how to care for my rabbit because I keep her outside-of which is the most enriching because outside is their natural habitat, natural foods (grasses, hays) etc. (LaLaLa)

      What is the average life span of my rabbit?

      What is the average life span of my rabbit? Other Pet Discussions
    • Rabbits can live up to 8-10 years on average. Please keep your rabbit(s) indoor, if you are unable to do so please give your rabbits to someone who can care for them properly.@ Atropine, that "rabbits have thick winter coats" is a myth. Yes they do have have winter coats, but where do wild rabbits live? Underground - where the temperature is around the same range year round. Most people use that as an excuse to keep rabbits outside. Please learn how to care for your rabbit properly. Even though it is properly taken care of, it would be much happier indoors.@ Emma, "because outside is their natural habitat" so does that mean all other pets should live outside because their wild cousins live outdoors? Of course NOT. You need to learn how to care for your pets properly. It's such a shame seeing all these irresponsible pet owners. Do what you please, all you care about is what is convenient for you anyway. Such a shame.@ Atropine, I did not say they did not grow winter coats, I'm saying there is a HUGE difference from keeping a rabbit in a cage outside vs a WILD rabbit living in burrows underground. Let's be real, an outdoor rabbit will get the same amount of attention as an indoor rabbit. Both my rabbits live in my room, I am able to keep an eye on them, pet them, let them, whenever I am home - it doesn't matter what time it is or what the weather is like as they are indoor rabbits and get more attention than outdoor animals. Outdoor rabbits can live an "okay" life, but it is not even close to that of an indoor rabbit.@ Atropine, I don't believe that rabbits (in general) are independent by nature. Their personalities are shaped by the way they are raised. If you have a young rabbit and it is used to getting human attention everyday multiple times a day, vs a rabbit that has lived outdoors all it's life only receiving human contact at feeding times or whatever (the point is, not very often) there will, absolutely, be a MAJOR personality difference. My rabbits go crazy and are destructive if I don't give them a lot of my attention during the day. Just because a rabbit is not as friendly or out going as other rabbits does not mean it will benefit from living outside, away from everyone. THAT is why it became so "independent" in the first place. There are no real benefits, from my perspective, in stuffing a rabbit outside because it "is independent"

    • LaLaLa is incorrect - rabbits live fine outdoors as long as they have large, secure accommodation. Rabbits are hardy animals so they cope with the cold very well because they grow thick winter coats. A healthy rabbit will live for around 10 years. A rabbit that lives for 1 year might not even be fully grown yet so for a rabbit to die at this age is abnormal! For females it is important that you get them spayed, she will only live for about 5 years because unspayed females have an 80% chance of getting uterine cancer. This risk increases with age. So you can expect your rabbit to live for about 10 years or even more if she is spayed. If she is not spayed her lifespan will be cut dramatically short, so definitely get her done if you haven't!EDIT-@LaLaLaRabbit burrows don't have internal heating. In the winter months rabbits endure sub-zero temperatures even in their burrows - a burrow is NOT going to be the same temperature in winter as it is in summer. Wild rabbits also have to leave their burrows to eat; they aren't going to be staying in their burrows all day! Rabbits do have thick winter coats - my outdoor rabbits have lovely thick, dense coats right now. If you live in somewhere like America where there is a warmer climate you won't be able to see the thick fur that grows in cold weather.I volunteer at numerous rabbit rescues and all of them have both indoor and outdoor rabbits that live healthily and happily. I have both indoor and outdoor rabbits and all are in great shape. The fact that you said that rabbits do not grow a winter coat is laughable. I witness my outdoor rabbits shedding their winter fur every summer.@LaLaLaI should clarify - a single rabbits should never live outdoors. If a rabbit lives outdoors it must have a partner or live in a group. It is also important for you understand that rabbits are independent by nature so many do not want constant human attention - most prefer the company of their own kind. My outdoor rabbits cannot stand being indoors. When I had to bring them inside while I was having construction work their personalities completely changed - they were reclusive, bored and destructive. Every rabbit is different, so it is not accurate to say that ALL rabbit benefit being indoors. Some rabbits would be better living inside, but at the same time rabbits that are particularly independent would be far better living outside.