What does it mean if your dog wont make eye contact with you?

If he actually does he will not hold it for more than like 1 or 2 seconds why is that?

    What does it mean if your dog wont make eye contact with you?

    If he actually does he will not hold it for more than like 1 or 2 seconds why is that?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What does it mean if your dog wont make eye contact with you?...

    • What does it mean if your dog wont make eye contact with you?

      What does it mean if your dog wont make eye contact with you? Other Pet Discussions
      If he actually does he will not hold it for more than like 1 or 2 seconds why is that?

      What does it mean if your dog wont make eye contact with you?

      What does it mean if your dog wont make eye contact with you? Other Pet Discussions
    • He probably feels guilty about something. Otherwise, you may be at fault or the dogs history is bad. Did someone have him before you? Maybe he was beaten and is scared of certain people. Otherwise, have you yelled or hit him at all? That may also be the reason.

    • Im no expert - but I saw a TV program that said that eye contact is an implicit threat for dogs. If your dog avoids eyecontact it means it doesnt want to test your authority. The dog is being submissive. Staring into the dogs eye can be perceived as an act of agression.

    • Most dogs see direct eye contact as a threat. By avoiding it, he could just be showing his submission to you, just like rolling over on his back so you can scratch his belly. He may not feel comfortable enough with you yet to make eye contact without it being threatening. If this is a new behavior, and he used to make eye contact, but now he wont, he may be offended. Did you recently leave him for a few days. Dogs will sometimes try to punish their owners for neglecting them. He may be trying to punish you by withholding his attention.

    • It means he's been downloading doggie porn off the internet and is to ashamed to look you in the eyes for fear that you might see his embarassment, I would suggest you talk to him about his urges, explain that the feelings he's having are natural and that there is nothing to be ashamed off (and set up some parental controls asap).Just kidding, my dog does this too, I always assumed that it was normal, if he's not displaying any other odd behavior then he's probably fine. That whole thing about him displaying his submission to you soulds logical too.

    • Depends on the situation. If he is cowering, licking his lips, rolling over, or hiding every time you try to make eye contact with him, it could be that he is an overly submissive or fearful dog and is trying not to make you mad. He considers you his "pack leader" and is trying to do whatever he can to let you know he remembers that you're the boss. If he just looks away when you stare at him, that's a normal dog thing- he's just trying not to start a fight. If he were to stare right back at you while making an assertive tail-up stance, he's trying to let you know that HE's the boss.

    • Making direct eye contact with some dogs is very threatening to them. If you have ever noticed two dogs who do not like each other, they will have a stare-down, sometimes leading to a fight. Other dogs, less agressive, will absolutely not make contact with the other dog that they feel threatened by. Your dog should not be afraid of you, though. All three of my dogs will look me and my whole family in the eyes directly, as they feel very safe with us. Maybe your dog is being, or has been abused.