How can I tell the difference between a male and female cockatiel?

I want to know the difference between male and females cockatiel? How can i do it by viewing the bird?

    How can I tell the difference between a male and female cockatiel?

    I want to know the difference between male and females cockatiel? How can i do it by viewing the bird?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I tell the difference between a male and female cockatiel?...

    • How can I tell the difference between a male and female cockatiel?

      How can I tell the difference between a male and female cockatiel? Other Pet Discussions
      I want to know the difference between male and females cockatiel? How can i do it by viewing the bird?

      How can I tell the difference between a male and female cockatiel?

      How can I tell the difference between a male and female cockatiel? Other Pet Discussions
    • Hi! I have been breeding cockatiels for over 6 years now. The females will have dull coloring on their cheeks and crests and the males have much brighter cheek patches and crests. Also the males are the big talkers and whistlers while the females are more quiet. Hope this helps!

    • I agree with the breeder .....FEMALES are unable to whistle like the males. Males have very prominent orange on their cheeks, females duller.If the bird is young though, you cannot tell until it is at least 6-9 months old (or it goes through it's first molt which happens about these ages). Females passed this age will have 'horizontal bars' in their tails when you are looking at them straight on (their beak facing your nose). There are SOME variations on color where this rule does not apply.. if the tiels are younger than their first molt ALL have the 'bar' thing. Look for one that makes a 'whistle' and then you'll know it's male. Females kinda 'scream' instead of whistle. Young ones don't do much, because they haven't learned yet. Trust the breeders, we know :)

    • It is easy to tell for sure male from female. Now with many Cockatiels you can not always tell by looking at it. And you do not need to spend the big bucks on DNA testing them. I have been sex testing Tiels for over 10 years after one of our Vets showed me how. What I am going to tell you sounds weird but it is the way I was taught. Hold the bird securely in your hand, if it is a biter you may need to hold it with a towel around it. Using your 1st finger locate the pelvic bones (they are were the poop comes out) if the tip of your finger can go between the bones it is a girl, it the bones are very close together it is a male. Now when I do this test the youngest birds I will do it on are at least over the age of 4 months, because when they are very young the pelvic area will feel the same, the older the bird the easier it will be to test, our Vet told us that this test is more accurate for Teils and Lovebirds, other birds can not be tested this way, you would need to have a DNA test done, but you shouldnt have any problem checking your Tiels, If you have any other questions please feel free to contact us.SapphyreCertified Avian Specialisthttp://www.borrowed-rainbow.comJoin us at

    • i have been a breeder for over 10 yrs. and always and has never failed.....Pull the cockatiels wing out or extend its wing very gently the females have dots on their feathers and the males have bars very noticeable.