How do I make my neighbors dog quit barking at all hours of the night?

My neighbors dog all day and all night. It keeps me up all night. How do I get it or it's owners to keep it from barking? It's really annoying.

    How do I make my neighbors dog quit barking at all hours of the night?

    My neighbors dog all day and all night. It keeps me up all night. How do I get it or it's owners to keep it from barking? It's really annoying....
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    • How do I make my neighbors dog quit barking at all hours of the night?

      How do I make my neighbors dog quit barking at all hours of the night? Other Pet Discussions
      My neighbors dog all day and all night. It keeps me up all night. How do I get it or it's owners to keep it from barking? It's really annoying.

      How do I make my neighbors dog quit barking at all hours of the night?

      How do I make my neighbors dog quit barking at all hours of the night? Other Pet Discussions
    • Frank Zappa's right. A dog cannot bark at certain times of the day, such as night. It's a form of noise pollution. My neighborhood has meetings ever so often and we discuss dog barking. If you have a neighborhood president, go to them first and complain so they can handle it. If not, go to the city council and complain just like Fank Zappa says. That's the best I can tell you. Good luck. =>

    • This happened to me at my last home. I was the only one without air conditioning and had to have my windows open. Calling and talking to her resulted in her swearing at me and hanging up on me. I would still do that first, and then call the police. It should be quiet after 10pm or so.It should be quiet in the day for those who work nights and are sleeping.

    • Oops. When you came home from the grocery store that piece of meat someone came unwrapped and fell in the antifreeze that had leaked from your car. For some unknown reason it ended up in your neighbors yard. Hey, " I never said nothin about no didn't hear that from me." Legal channels would be best after you talked to your neighbor.

    • Go to visit your neighbor during the day tomorrow and discuss the problem directly with him. Explain to him that you have been losing sleep because of his dog. He may keep the dog quiet.If you don't want to go directly to him, write him a note and tape it on his door with your phone number on it. You can then discuss in on the phone. Good Luck!.....)(

    • Call animal control in your area.They will come and pay your neighbor a visit.Your neighbor will never know it was you.Animal control will also check for shot records,see if they are registered with the city,check on their living conditions,and the well being of the animals health.It is against the law in my state(VA.)to leave your animal outside without food,water,or shelter know matter how long they are out.Animal control believes that even if you let your dog out for 5 minutes,anything could happen to the owner within that 5 mins.and that would be considered animal cruelity if the animal had to stay outside without food,water,or shelter(dog house,shed porch,etc.).Also it is considered (in my state)disturbing the peace to have your dog bark for any length of time day or night.Hope this helps you..