How can I become a registered conure breeder?

My mother has two golden conures that just recently laid eggs. Knowing now that they are at the age to breed and hopefully produce fertile eggs, she is interested in becoming a registered breeder. However, we are having a hard time finding out how to…

    How can I become a registered conure breeder?

    My mother has two golden conures that just recently laid eggs. Knowing now that they are at the age to breed and hopefully produce fertile eggs, she is interested in becoming a registered breeder. However, we are having a hard time finding out how to…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I become a registered conure breeder?...

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    • How can I become a registered conure breeder?

      How can I become a registered conure breeder? Other Pet Discussions
      My mother has two golden conures that just recently laid eggs. Knowing now that they are at the age to breed and hopefully produce fertile eggs, she is interested in becoming a registered breeder. However, we are having a hard time finding out how to go about doing that. Any help or advice is appreciated!

      How can I become a registered conure breeder?

      How can I become a registered conure breeder? Other Pet Discussions
    • there are a multitude of different places to register, avianregistry,com or regionals like you would just go to their site and see what requirements are, most have a downloadable application and require small (to large) fee