How soon after bringing my ball python home should I feed it?

Brought him home yesterday. I'm afraid to handle him just incase he might be hungry. They told me he ate sometime "last week." He's afraid of me and I'm afraid that might cause him to attack. Should I wait til I feed him? Or should I just handle him now?…

    How soon after bringing my ball python home should I feed it?

    Brought him home yesterday. I'm afraid to handle him just incase he might be hungry. They told me he ate sometime "last week." He's afraid of me and I'm afraid that might cause him to attack. Should I wait til I feed him? Or should I just handle him now?…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How soon after bringing my ball python home should I feed it?...

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    • How soon after bringing my ball python home should I feed it?

      How soon after bringing my ball python home should I feed it? Other Pet Discussions
      Brought him home yesterday. I'm afraid to handle him just incase he might be hungry. They told me he ate sometime "last week." He's afraid of me and I'm afraid that might cause him to attack. Should I wait til I feed him? Or should I just handle him now?

      How soon after bringing my ball python home should I feed it?

      How soon after bringing my ball python home should I feed it? Other Pet Discussions
    • You'll want to let him settle in for at least a few days before you try to feed or handle him. Moving to a new home is pretty stressful, and they won't eat when they are stressed. Trying to feed him before he's ready to eat may even add more stress.If he's sitting in his hide with just his head sticking out, that means he's settled in, and hungry. After you feed him, wait 24-48 hours before trying to handle him, to give him time to digest his food.

    • You should leave him alone completely for at least a week. Two weeks is best. In this time period you should not touch him, move him, mess around with his tank, nothing! Ball pythons stress very easily and will stop eating. Don't feed him for at least a week, don't even attempt to feed him until he's had time to settle in. You can look on my website for feeding tricks to help your snake start eating once a week or two has passed. I know you're excited, but you need to let him settle in. Pet stores really stress BPs and cause a lot of problems for them.

    • give him a couple das to get used to his new home...and feed him next week that should be fine. and if he is hungry, he will not bite you because you are way to big to eat. after a couple days, take him out and try to handle him everyday so that he is nice.hope this helps

    • I generally get them setup and leave them be for about 5 days EXCEPT on the second day I'll put a f/t mouse in with them and leave them be for 3 or 4 hours. If they've eaten it great, if not I'll take it out and not bother them until the 5 days is up. About 85% of the time they'll eat. But of course I get mine from reputable breeders and they're all proven feeders. If you went to petco or pet smart there's every chance in the world that the BP's there aren't in very good shape as it is.