How do i get rid of nitrite from my 20 gallon tank?

Im on day 4 of cycling my 20 gallon tank and all my levels are perfect and ive been able to maintain 82.0 degrees for 3 days strait. But my nitrite is 0.2, how do i get rid of this?

    How do i get rid of nitrite from my 20 gallon tank?

    Im on day 4 of cycling my 20 gallon tank and all my levels are perfect and ive been able to maintain 82.0 degrees for 3 days strait. But my nitrite is 0.2, how do i get rid of this?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do i get rid of nitrite from my 20 gallon tank?...

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    • How do i get rid of nitrite from my 20 gallon tank?

      How do i get rid of nitrite from my 20 gallon tank? Other Pet Discussions
      Im on day 4 of cycling my 20 gallon tank and all my levels are perfect and ive been able to maintain 82.0 degrees for 3 days strait. But my nitrite is 0.2, how do i get rid of this?

      How do i get rid of nitrite from my 20 gallon tank?

      How do i get rid of nitrite from my 20 gallon tank? Other Pet Discussions
    • Nitrites are taken care of by a second type a bacteria that grows after the first. Give it time. If you have fish already in there always do a water change when you see the levels spike.

    • It's not reasonable to expect the nitrite to disappear after 4 days. Under most circumstances a tank takes a month to fully cycle. if your nitrite is 0.2, that actually is rather good so fast. You can ge the Bio Spira product that contains so many nitrifyning bacteria that you can add fish the second day..Fish that are exposed to levels of nitrite similar to yours do sometimes develop Brown blood. this is a temporary condition where the nitrite binds to their oxygen receptors first, leaving them weak and often sitting on the bottom. It will improve as your nitrite goes to 0.1. should you get an ammonia spike, which is always possible in New Tank Syndrome, get Kent ammonia detox or AmQuel do a 40% water change first, add de-chlor and then the anti-ammonia agent. You should have at least a strip test kit to monitor ammonia levels until the cycle completes.