How can I get the smell of dog urine out of my rug?

I have a brand new puppy and she is almost potty trained but a few mistakes have come back to haunt the rug. How can it get the smell out of it?

    How can I get the smell of dog urine out of my rug?

    I have a brand new puppy and she is almost potty trained but a few mistakes have come back to haunt the rug. How can it get the smell out of it?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I get the smell of dog urine out of my rug?...

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    • How can I get the smell of dog urine out of my rug?

      How can I get the smell of dog urine out of my rug? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a brand new puppy and she is almost potty trained but a few mistakes have come back to haunt the rug. How can it get the smell out of it?

      How can I get the smell of dog urine out of my rug?

      How can I get the smell of dog urine out of my rug? Other Pet Discussions
    • febreeze works nicely if you use it daily for maybe a few days, but don't soak your rug with it cuz it might stain, and also there are special pet stain and odor sprays if u go into the pet section at fred meyer of albertsons or somewhere

    • If you have a Sams Club in your area, or try your Wal-Mart if you have that is stuff called OdoBan. Works great with everything from urine smells to any household odor.

    • I always take mine outside and spray it off with the hose. Or put some laundry deturgent(sp?) in a spray bottle and spray it while you are outside, (liquid is prefered)rince it and then let it dry, it should be good after that.Or you could take it to a laundry mat with a industrial size washer and wash it there for like 2-3 bucks.

    • You will never get it completely out. The smell is not only in the rug but also the padding below. I had a similiar problem and tried every product on the market, none of them brought my carpet back to new. Ultimately, I ripped out the carpet and padding and installed new.

    • This always works. Put a towel on the mistake with something heavy on it for half hr, or so , then mix laundry detergent with some water n puor it on DON'T RUB, then scrub a little n put another clean towel on it with somethig heavy on it and wait about an hour or two and viola! no smell!!! I used this with my dogs , it works great!

    • mix bottle of household peroxide, with 1/4 cup of baking soda, and 1 teaspoon of Dawn dish soap. Apply to area while still foamy. Mix this in plastic or glass bowl (not metal) and don't save leftovers. Never put a lid on it.

    • I have a brand new puppy too, and I have washed my rug where she went potty with laundry detergent and liquid fab softner, then I sprinkle carpet fresh for pets down when I vacuum and there is no smell and she hasn't done it again, so the ammonia smell is gone.