How do I get a mockingbird to stop attacking my dog when we go for walks?

The nasty bird dive bombs her. It chases us around the block. I am just waiting for it to peck my eyes out.

    How do I get a mockingbird to stop attacking my dog when we go for walks?

    The nasty bird dive bombs her. It chases us around the block. I am just waiting for it to peck my eyes out....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get a mockingbird to stop attacking my dog when we go for walks?...

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    • How do I get a mockingbird to stop attacking my dog when we go for walks?

      How do I get a mockingbird to stop attacking my dog when we go for walks? Other Pet Discussions
      The nasty bird dive bombs her. It chases us around the block. I am just waiting for it to peck my eyes out.

      How do I get a mockingbird to stop attacking my dog when we go for walks?

      How do I get a mockingbird to stop attacking my dog when we go for walks? Other Pet Discussions
    • Stop sprinkling the dog with birdseed before you leave the house?No but seriously that is wierd never heard of any such thing. Do you want to kill the mockingbird? I heard there was a book on that.

    • This is happening to my little dog, it is hilarious cause my dog don't like anything in his territory. He will try to attack the bird and the bird will try to attack him. The only thing I could suggest would be to take an umbrella with you and when you see the bird coming at you or your dog open it up that should scare the bird away.

    • It depends on how long this has been going on. Most birds that attack anyone as you go by usually have a nest near by & are protecting that or one of their young out of the nest & in a bush or on the ground somewhere.

    • That's a tough one - blue jays and mockingbirds are very aggressive when it comes to guarding their nests. Try carrying a BIG umbrella - that might discourage it. And keep your dog close to you on a short leash.