How do I get my Beagle to stop jumping into my car?

When I get home from work, which is usually at seven in the morning, I tend to leave my moon roof open and my dog gets inside and "plays". So far he has scrached my hood and just about every other part of my car. He has also chewed off my radio antenna.…

    How do I get my Beagle to stop jumping into my car?

    When I get home from work, which is usually at seven in the morning, I tend to leave my moon roof open and my dog gets inside and "plays". So far he has scrached my hood and just about every other part of my car. He has also chewed off my radio antenna.…...
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    • How do I get my Beagle to stop jumping into my car?

      How do I get my Beagle to stop jumping into my car? Other Pet Discussions
      When I get home from work, which is usually at seven in the morning, I tend to leave my moon roof open and my dog gets inside and "plays". So far he has scrached my hood and just about every other part of my car. He has also chewed off my radio antenna. What do I do to keep him away?

      How do I get my Beagle to stop jumping into my car?

      How do I get my Beagle to stop jumping into my car? Other Pet Discussions
    • Good luck, beagles are actually the hardest breed to train, they are so stubborn.Do it the old fashion way, get newspaper and hit your car, your knee (never the dog) and say NO!, the noise of the newspaper will scare him.You can get a doggie trainer if you can afford it

    • Here's a thought... close your moon roof. If you want to keep the inside of your car cool/aired out, try cracking the windows (i'm talking a hairline crack) just enough to let hot air out... IIf that doesn't work and your beagle can get in your car throught that small of a crack, he's amazing and you should take him on Leno...or Oprah...then she would just buy you a whole new car.

    • Well Here's a no brainer ... You go to wal-mart buy the dog training collar. It cost 100.00 you put the collar on him and when he jumps up on your car you send him a little shock and tell him NO.. And trust me I have a 145lb Newfoundland And this will sit her on her AZZ... So the 1st seting should work for you. mine is set at 6. Now I dont even have to have the collar on i can just leave it on the beep mode And she will do what ever i tell her too the 1st time...Good Luck !!!

    • Close your moon roof.Yes, you can train your dog not to jump into the car, but it's going to take a great deal of time and effort, especially since they've already been doing it all this time, and would certainly be a lot more work than just closing the roof in the first place.And, no, shock collar is not a good approach. While there are plenty of dogs that have been "cured" with shock collars, there are thousands more that have been traumatized by them, or have developed fear of crazy things like the flower pot in your yard they were looking at when you zapped them. The only time I can think of that justifies shock collar is something life or death like teaching a dog to stay away from rattlesnakes, and even then this should be done with experts and can still backfire.