How do i get my dog to like other dogs?

I've had my dog for about 6 years now. Whenever other dogs come to my house, my dog either barks and tries to bite the other dog, or is scared and hides under my kitchen table. Even when my dog looks to my neightbors yard and their dog is outside, he…

    How do i get my dog to like other dogs?

    I've had my dog for about 6 years now. Whenever other dogs come to my house, my dog either barks and tries to bite the other dog, or is scared and hides under my kitchen table. Even when my dog looks to my neightbors yard and their dog is outside, he…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do i get my dog to like other dogs?...

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    • How do i get my dog to like other dogs?

      How do i get my dog to like other dogs? General Dog Discussions
      I've had my dog for about 6 years now. Whenever other dogs come to my house, my dog either barks and tries to bite the other dog, or is scared and hides under my kitchen table. Even when my dog looks to my neightbors yard and their dog is outside, he barks at him, i've been wanting a second dog for a while now, but my dogs never lived with another dog before, any suggestions?

      How do i get my dog to like other dogs?

      How do i get my dog to like other dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • when u bring another dog in the house ur dog will eventually get used to them. maybe at first they will be mean, bark, even bite... but they will get used to each other eventually, and it will help your dog with others on the street as well..

    • Have you taken him out to the dog park or into the countryside for long walks off the leash? That is a good way of gaining socialisation skills.He barks because it is an intruder, biting could be a sign of protection for you, scared is normally because the dog is larger or nasty.

    • Every time she spots another dog, before she can get stressed and react, get her to look at you and give her a tasty treat. She should hopefully learn that having other dogs around is a good thing not a bad thing.Or contact a trainer/behaviourist who uses positive methods.

    • all dogs have different personalitys do you have two dogs?if you only have one thats why it hasent had any connections with other dogs its probaly trying to protect you its not that it doesnt like other dogs

    • Honestly, if your dog at age 6 doesn't like any dogs at all, I'd hold off on getting another dog. Your chances of success are low and it is likely to end in heartbreak for you and rehoming your new dog.You can change your dog's behavior when it is under your control - by training your dog to follow your commands on leash and to ignore other dogs and to confine your dog when other dogs visit (or limit visits) but you can't make a dog that doesn't like dogs to get really get along.EDIT - I totally disagree with taking a fearful or dog aggressive dog to a dog park in order to try and "socialize" it - it is an uncontrolled situation and a dog fight can easily ensure. It is not fair to your dog, other dogs and other unsuspecting owners. If you want to work on your dog with known dogs and owners that understand your situation and work at first with you separately, that's fine. But dog parks are chaotic and overwhelming to aggressive dogs and you are imposing your problem on unsuspecting dogs and owners.

    • I would recommend bringing your dog to a good training class with a very experienced trainer (so not petco or petsmart). Look into the local dog clubs in your area (you can find them on the AKC website: ) and see if they offer training classes. If they don't, they can point you in the direction of a good trainer.This is the easiest and best way to socialize and train your dog. You may even decide that you enjoy training enough that you may want to compete... But most people are just happy with a much better behaved dog!

    • It is my sincere hope that until you learn how to correct the behavior and socialization problems you have with your current dog, that you refrain from getting another. Until you educate yourself on how to properly raise and train a dog, you will only end up with 2 problem dogs should you get another. Socialize your dog by introducing him to new and different surroudings and situations and some form of correction will be necessary to eliminate the dog aggressive behavior. I find that when my dog respects me and accepts that I make the rules, he is willing to behave himself among other dogs and people. Simple boundaries create respect towards you from a dog. Never let him put his feet on you, never let him pull on the end of the leash and "walk" you. Teach him to lie down then make him do so before you set down his food bowl. After mastering that, set it down and make him wait for a bit before you let him eat. He who controls the food makes the rules. These are just a few simple ways to create respect in your dog. Good luck