How can I prevent my cat from overeating?

We feed both my cats Fancy Feast twice a day (about a tablespoon each time) and they have dry food out all the time. They are indoor cats so they don't get much exercise. My kitten is 10 months old and I am afraid she is becoming overweight. My older cat…

    How can I prevent my cat from overeating?

    We feed both my cats Fancy Feast twice a day (about a tablespoon each time) and they have dry food out all the time. They are indoor cats so they don't get much exercise. My kitten is 10 months old and I am afraid she is becoming overweight. My older cat…...
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    • How can I prevent my cat from overeating?

      How can I prevent my cat from overeating? Other Pet Discussions
      We feed both my cats Fancy Feast twice a day (about a tablespoon each time) and they have dry food out all the time. They are indoor cats so they don't get much exercise. My kitten is 10 months old and I am afraid she is becoming overweight. My older cat who is 5 years old is losing weight, which the vet says could be worms or a viral thing, shes being treated for those in case thats what it is, but most likely its due to stress.Any suggestions on how I can prevent my kitten from overeating, without denying my other cat food?

      How can I prevent my cat from overeating?

      How can I prevent my cat from overeating? Other Pet Discussions
    • First, switch to indoor cat formula.That is specially made for cats without much exercise.Kittens should get kitten chow for optimum nutrition.Try feeding them in separate rooms. Once they realize that "their" food is in one room they should retreat to separate corners to eat.That way you can control the nutrition of both your cats.

    • get your cats to the vet to make sure they are healthy and see if the vet would recomend your cat loosing weight. best way to prevent overeating is don't free feed have set times that your cats eat.

    • keep the dry food somewhere else so they don't reach it,or any other food sources for them carefully and watch what there doing each day for about 3 days so you kindda know what your cats doing,then if there any problems that you saw try to fix it some how by doing something.i don't believe cats even get exersize...try buying diet pills for cats or tieing it to the tread mill and making it walk or run.

    • Your older cat losing weight, while already being overweight, can be a definite sign of diabetes. Does it drink water frequently and urinate large quantities?For one, stop giving canned food unless you switch to something light.. such as Petsmart's Authority brand (very lowfat food and good quality). Substitute the canned food with treats like puffed corn, etc that are lower in fat. The cats don't miss their routine but they omit a large amnt of calories.Free range grazing (makes our cats fat cows, no?) is the biggest problem but it's hard to measure out food for multiple cats. If you really want to put them on a weight loss schedule, get a low calorie food and feed it to them in the prescribed amounts two times a day. Start them out slowly.. i.e. feed them separately so the food thievery doesn't start but give them more food than usual and slowly cut back so they don't really notice the change.Also - do it at a certain time of day. They will expect food instead of wondering if they'll ever be fed again when they stop free range grazing. Cats love routine.** Edit: Camilla gives horrible advice. DO NOT give your cats diet pills - it will kill them and DO NOT tie your cat to a treadmill. That's cruelty. Play with them more to increase their exercise.

    • You are not over feeding your kitten with a tablespoon twice a day. Kittens need 3-5 meals per day. Have set meal times, put down dishes of wet and dry only at those times. My cats have dry out all the time, and wet available only 1st thing in the morning, and then in the evening.. if they are crying or making a fuss in between we give them something more, and none of mine are over weight. I also give my cats fresh raw chicken at least 2 or 3 times a week as a treat. Try changing your wet food. Fancy feast tends to have a lot of gravy in the mix, it´s not that filling, and they tend to lick up the gravy and leave the rest.

    • If it's worms or a virus, then it can be treated easily. Once your kitty is well, then I would suggest getting Iams dry cat food for "less active cats". It's extremely good food and will keep the kitties healthy for years to come. I was told by a vet that a small amount of canned food should be given because even though they love it and you can get healthy brands, they need dry food to keep their teeth in shape and clean. Canned food as a treat will be appreciated! I think this will be the best solution for all since it may be difficult separating the cats. Cats like routine and if we mess up their routine, they get moody!

    • If she's becoming overweight stop feeding her all the time!!! Cats do not need to eat 24/7. My cats get 2 meals a day (1/2 cup total per cat )with very rare treats and neither of them are skinny. But they are happy and not obese. Obesity in cats can lead to diabetes, arthritis, and fatty liver disease. On your other cat, I can make no comments without a thorough exam. Did you opt to do any diagnostics such as x-rays or bloodwork or test for whatever virus your vet is concerned about?Just a thought-a dvm

    • you need to read the back of the dry food package and feed the cats the amount they recommend you shouldn't leave food out all the time because well cats like to eat if they have nothing else to do.I would also feed your cats in separate rooms maybe put the underweight cat in the bathroom or another room that has a door so you can close the door.I feed my cats twice a day I have 2 and I feed about a cup each feeding and my cats are big and healthy. Mine are outside cats so they get lots of exercise. Thats a cup combined my cats eat together out of a big dish.So be sure to read the back of the package.Good Luck

    • My cats will not eat wet food - only dry food which is kept out all the time and both cats are very slender. Only starved animals will over eat. Animals will not over eat if they know they have a never ending supply of food. They tend to nibble through out the day instead of gorging at mealtime. We have several meals and snacks during the day so why should our animals be different? I've kept dry food out all the time for both my cats and dogs for 30 plus years and have never had a overweight animal.

    • You may want to only feed your kitten once a day to prevent overeating. I used to have an overweight cat, and he died from kidney failure due to diabetes, so obesity could be a big issue. As far as your older cat goes, You should first wait and see if the medicine helps her. If it doesn't, you may want to consider putting the kitten up, in a room or basement, while the older cat eats, then let the kitten back out. I have a 13 year old cat and two 5 month old kittens. If I try to feed them at the same time, the older one won't go near the food until the kittens are done.

    • well, you should get a lite cat food, made for cats that may be overweight. this does not deny it food, you will be feeding it the same amount everyday, and try to get the same flavor, so she does not feel a change in her food type, which could lead to her not eating at all. and maybe u can put less dry food out, but still leave it out all day.