How to entertain or keep my dogs active in the house?

Is there a little inside playground or something fun that dogs can play with inside the house? I'm usually home after work and I'm usually on the computer, but I dont want my dogs to get bored. I think they need to be more active, even though their owner…

    How to entertain or keep my dogs active in the house?

    Is there a little inside playground or something fun that dogs can play with inside the house? I'm usually home after work and I'm usually on the computer, but I dont want my dogs to get bored. I think they need to be more active, even though their owner…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How to entertain or keep my dogs active in the house?...

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    • How to entertain or keep my dogs active in the house?

      How to entertain or keep my dogs active in the house? Other Pet Discussions
      Is there a little inside playground or something fun that dogs can play with inside the house? I'm usually home after work and I'm usually on the computer, but I dont want my dogs to get bored. I think they need to be more active, even though their owner isnt. I wish I can take them to the Gym with me, but I dont think thats possible. Is there a doggy gym or something that I can buy online that will distract my dogs and give them something to do when they are indoors? Cats love those climbing things and they love yarn, I'm curious what dogs like.I cant take them to the park everyday. I do on the weekends, but this is for indoor activity. When Im at work they are alone in the house and are bored. They are not big dogs, they are small rugrats. I wish I can take them outside everyday, but I generally stay home after working from 7-5pm everyday. I just want them to be busy with something while I'm at home. I prefer a playing object that doesnt require me putting treats in cuz they will go through it in one hour. They are not very big on bones.

      How to entertain or keep my dogs active in the house?

      How to entertain or keep my dogs active in the house? Other Pet Discussions
    • Alternate giving them toys, fresh bones, and especially stuffed Kongs. Stuff w/ their dinner, chicken, liver, peanut butter, cream cheese, vary it. Hide healthy treats around the house for them to find. Buy a doggy treat ball or a Busy Buddy - stuff it with small treats and they have to work to get the treats out. Join yahoo group Clicker Solutions for more ideas.

    • Dogs like owners who spend time with them. Take them to the park, for walks etc. You can teach them to retrieve a ball and have a soft one at home that you can throw for them in the house. Get off the computer for a while or find someone that has more time to share with those dogs! Dogs need people interaction much more than cats do. Even if you had a 'puppy/dog gym' your dogs would still rather be playing with you.

    • You could build a couple pieces if agility equipment. If it is just for fun make them smaller and make sure to choose something that is safe to use unsupervised.Buy them a tunnel, you can even use a kids plastic tunnel if your dogs aren't to large and destructive.I built a full (AKC) agility course. There are many plans online. There is also a yahoo group called agility equipment and there are many plans there as well as people to ask for advice.

    • When you're away turn on the radio or if you're more daring turn on the T.V. This gives the dogs a sense that someone is home, and that will most likely encourgae them to get active. When you are home kick a ball with your feet while sitting at a computer or just throw a ball back and forth.