How do I house train a dog that is used to being in a kennel outside?

I just got 2 labradoodles that are 1 1/2 years old. They lived in a puppy mill. They are VERY shy and skittish. How do I get them used to being inside and being loved?

    How do I house train a dog that is used to being in a kennel outside?

    I just got 2 labradoodles that are 1 1/2 years old. They lived in a puppy mill. They are VERY shy and skittish. How do I get them used to being inside and being loved?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I house train a dog that is used to being in a kennel outside?...

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    • How do I house train a dog that is used to being in a kennel outside?

      How do I house train a dog that is used to being in a kennel outside? Other Pet Discussions
      I just got 2 labradoodles that are 1 1/2 years old. They lived in a puppy mill. They are VERY shy and skittish. How do I get them used to being inside and being loved?

      How do I house train a dog that is used to being in a kennel outside?

      How do I house train a dog that is used to being in a kennel outside? Other Pet Discussions
    • This is a hard one I owned a dog boarding kennel and found the best way to make friends with the new dogs was giving lots of treats. I had one mean dog come in and within a week we were friends. We did have a labrador that hated coming in the house even when it was below zero in Wyoming. I would suggest you get a good size wire cage kennel put them in their kennel for a bit then let outside and bring back in to play with maybe they will get the idea.

    • It could take up to 6 months to get used to their new home, so be patient with them. Confine them to one room where you can keep an eye on them. Maybe the tv room. If they start sniffing around, then they may have to go. If they do have an accident tell them no firmly, and then take them outside to where they are supposed to go. Even if they already relieve themselves. I know you probably don't want to put them in crates. But It's a god send for training for most indoor things. To keep them out of trouble if your not home, to potty train them. Make sure you take them out to potty as soon as you return home. Once they start smelling their potty's outside they will start figuring out that that is where they are supposed to go. Don't leave them in the crate for to long. If you work come home at lunch to let them out. Since they are used to being in a crate anyway. They may actually like it after awhile. My dogs feels safe like it's his den. Don't put them in the same crate though. And get one that is just big enough for them to sit laydow and stand in. Dogs don't like sitting on their own soil so they will be less likely to have an accident. Then when they are house trained you can take away the crate or if they start to love their crates after awhile upgrade to a bigger one or an small indoor play pen. Put safe toys and treats in there with them. Just be patient with them and pay attention.

    • A puppy is like a baby. He will relieve himself anywhere, anytime. Because a newly adopted adult dog is unfamiliar with your home, he may not understand where he should "go"! Housetraining, or teaching your dog to go outside to relieve himself, is an important lesson your dog must learn. It is up to you, the new parent, to housetrain your new puppy or dog with patience, love and understanding. CRATE TRAININGIn the wild, wolves live in a den or cave. It is important the entire wolf pack keep this area clean. The same idea works with your family pet. Your dog’s crate is his home, his bedroom. It is likely that your dog will not like to soil his bed. Therefore, he will wait until he is let out to do his business. HOUSETRAINING WITH YOUR CRATEOn average, puppies can hold their bladders one hour for every month they have been alive, plus one hour. For example, if you have a three month old puppy, he can wait 3 + 1 = 4 hours. If you work longer than this, the best solution is to have someone (a neighbour, a relative, a dog walker) come in at an appropriate time to let your dog out.100 PER CENT SUPERVISIONSupervision is the key to housetraining! While you are at home, your dog must be supervised. Whether you are watching television, making dinner, on the phone or on the computer, your puppy must be watched. While it sounds like an impossible task, it isn’t. Keeping the crate in a social part of the house makes it easier. Using a house lead – a small, thin lead with a little clip on it – also helps immensely. Outside, you put a lead on your dog so you can control him. If the lead is removed after returning home, control is lost. For example, when watching television, have the lead tied to a couch leg. Your dog can have his blanket and toys with him. He’ll feel safe and comfortable. The majority of accidents happen when your pup wanders off and you haven’t noticed. You don’t want him to sneak off into the kitchen and find a puddle a short time later. If your pup is kept from wandering, the possibility of an accident is diminished because he will not eliminate where he is sitting. 100 per cent supervision means ensuring your dog is playing with you, in his crate, outside or on his house lead.SCHEDULINGIn the morning, take your dog outside. He should urinate and possibly have a bowel movement. Spend about five to seven minutes with him and then bring him in. Do not play with him yet. Feed him breakfast, either in the crate or with the lead, and supervise it. If your pup did not have a bowel movement earlier, take him back outside about 15 minutes after he has eaten. Use the lead to keep your pup moving along while outside. Otherwise, he may start sniffing, stopping and playing to avoid the job at hand. You can say “hurry up” and your dog will begin to associate these words with the task at hand. Praise him excessively when he has eliminated. Bring him back in the house and place him in his crate if you are going to work. Continue to supervise him with the crate or the lead if you are home. When returning after being out, go directly to the crate, let him out, praise him and put him back in. Feed him his meal, take him outside 15 minutes after he has eaten, praise him after he eliminates, and bring him back in. Continue to follow the same steps consistently.While you are home, you should take your pup outside on a regular basis. Even if your pup is in a crate or on a house lead, he still needs the opportunity to eliminate. Also, be careful what you wish for! A pup who barks to go outside may be cute and clever now. However, you must try not to fall into the habit of leaping up every time your dog wants in or out. It is a very submissive gesture on your part. Have your pup wait a moment or two. Setting up a schedule is also a good idea. If your pup is under four months of age, take him out for five minutes every hour on the hour. If your pup is over four months old, take him out every second hour on the hour. The schedule will help you remember when to take him out. Go out for five minutes only. It provides the opportunity to eliminate even if your pup may not need to go. Take your dog out after active play and also after napping. If an accident occurs, you may have forgotten to take him out .FEEDING TIME Having a puppy drink a lot of water and then placing him in his crate is much more unkind than letting him be a bit thirsty for an hour or two. Adult dogs should have access to drinking water at all times. However, this is not the case for untrained pups. Most parents will not allow their children to drink a big glass of water before going to bed. Avoid setting your pup up for failure. Restrict his water intake to three or four drinks daily and make sure you remove the water dish about three hours before bedtime. This will help your dog sleep more comfortably.If it is a hot evening, supply your pup with a few ice cubes. They will enter your dog’s system at a slower pace. When feeding your pup, provide a high-quality food that is a good source of protein. The food must be concentrated so your puppy’s body doesn’t require much of it. If you feed less, your puppy eliminates less. Food is directly related to how well puppies do in their housetraining.EXERCISEIt is important that your pup gets a lot of exercise, especially while crate training. You can play fetch, chase or hide and seek in your home. You can call ‘come’ at the same time to provide further training. Anyway you do it, your pup needs to be able to run and play.