How do you get a lazy cat to lose weight?

My cat rarely plays on her own. She always meows by her food dish, and my family won't stick to a feeding plan or anything. My dad always says, "feed the cat" when she meows. He doesn't even check to see if thats what she needs, but she always eats the…

    How do you get a lazy cat to lose weight?

    My cat rarely plays on her own. She always meows by her food dish, and my family won't stick to a feeding plan or anything. My dad always says, "feed the cat" when she meows. He doesn't even check to see if thats what she needs, but she always eats the…...
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    • How do you get a lazy cat to lose weight?

      How do you get a lazy cat to lose weight? Other Pet Discussions
      My cat rarely plays on her own. She always meows by her food dish, and my family won't stick to a feeding plan or anything. My dad always says, "feed the cat" when she meows. He doesn't even check to see if thats what she needs, but she always eats the food in her dish. HELP!

      How do you get a lazy cat to lose weight?

      How do you get a lazy cat to lose weight? Other Pet Discussions
    • when ever the cat meows look to see what she wants before you feed her and try to play with her even if she doesnt want to play with you. soon she will loose weight !

    • Hmm..that sounds like a Garfield!My cat eats alot too, but he's always playing, on his own, or with us.Get some things that she would be interested in, some balls, paper, sounds, shiny things...and try to play with her.

    • why not try putting her on a low fat diet. give her only low fat food, and see what happens. Maybe when some of the weight comes off she will be more excited to play.

    • start by decreasing how much you give her every time you feed her. so, keep feeding her the same # of times each day (should be no more than once or twice), but cut the amount by 25% then 50%, etc. when you're not feeding her, remove the food dish out of site. it's a big no to have a food dish with even dry food in there all the time. and do other stuff to occupy her time - like play with her. tell your Dad to stop giving her food to quiet her. it's not the answer.

    • When the cat meows try giving it a treat (as in one), then try to get it to play with you. I found having a playful kitten around, with cat furniture and plenty of different toys really works. My cat prefer a shoe string to any other toy I can get her though.

    • try Innova Evo cat food. It's an evolutionary food safe for all breeds of cats, no matter what weight or age. It has no grain in it, since grain is simply a filler, causing cats to eat more and get empty nutrition. It is not sold at chain pet stores. On the website, you can find info as to where you can get this food in your area."Innova EVO Cat & Kitten food was created to supply the key nutritional benefits of a raw food diet in a safe and convenient manner. Innova EVO can be fed exclusively as a total diet for your pet or in combination with a raw diet to provide a solid nutritional base of the important vitamins and minerals your feline might otherwise be missing.Innova EVO is based on ground chicken and turkey meat, bones, fat, cartilage and connective tissue. It includes whole, raw fruits and vegetables which contain health promoting phytochemicals and micronutrients. EVO has Hi-Protein, Low-Carbs, and No Grains."from the website. also, it shows you how to read labels and why this food is so wonderful! I work at a pet store, and we definitely recommend this to everyone. They make Evo for dogs, too.

    • Their is two things you can do 1 is get your cat diet food and mix it with her regular food for a couple of weeks then once she is used to that switch her to it full time you should only feed her 2-3 times a day. The second thing you can do is take her to the vet and get some meds for her. Good luck!