What should I do if I accidentally feed my bearded dragon iceberg lettuce?

I just got my bearded dragon three days ago and I've heard people say that iceberg lettuce can cause him to get sick. He's less than a month old and I'm really worried that I made a big mistake. I wanted to know if I could do anything to make sure he…

    What should I do if I accidentally feed my bearded dragon iceberg lettuce?

    I just got my bearded dragon three days ago and I've heard people say that iceberg lettuce can cause him to get sick. He's less than a month old and I'm really worried that I made a big mistake. I wanted to know if I could do anything to make sure he…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What should I do if I accidentally feed my bearded dragon iceberg lettuce?...

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    • What should I do if I accidentally feed my bearded dragon iceberg lettuce?

      What should I do if I accidentally feed my bearded dragon iceberg lettuce? Other Pet Discussions
      I just got my bearded dragon three days ago and I've heard people say that iceberg lettuce can cause him to get sick. He's less than a month old and I'm really worried that I made a big mistake. I wanted to know if I could do anything to make sure he stays healthy or if I just have to wait and cross my fingers.

      What should I do if I accidentally feed my bearded dragon iceberg lettuce?

      What should I do if I accidentally feed my bearded dragon iceberg lettuce? Other Pet Discussions
    • Don't worry it won't make him sick :) iceberg lettuce has no nutrients so it's basically just water the only reason it's not suggested is because they wont get any vitamins from it but it definitely won't hurt him

    • It will not hurt him. It's not very nutritious--basically it's cellulose and water. The main diet of a bearded dragon should be insects, like crickets, meal worms, and roaches. Dust them with a calcium supplement, and use the UVB lighting to help them utilize the calcium. Broccoli, collards, kale, chopped peas, apples, and oranges are some of the things you can feed in addition to insects. A day or two of lettuce will not do any permanent damage. Just move on and give him better stuff from now on.

    • Redneck Crow suggested some veggies that are NOT good for your beardie (broccoli, peas, oranges)Here is a good site to show which bugs and veggies you should feed your dragon (and which ones you shouldn't!):http://www.beautifuldragons.503xtreme.com/Nutrition.htmlA few feedings of iceburg lettuce won't cause any long term harm. It may make his poop watery, and if that continued for days or weeks, that could cause dehydration, but a few days is nothing to worry about. Just feed the right greens (dark leafy greens like collard greens or turnip greens) from now on and he'll be fine. Actually, it's great that he'll eat any veggie at all at his young age. Be sure to offer him enough bugs, too. He needs to be fed bugs 2-3 times a day and let him eat as many as he wants in about 10 minutes. This can equal 3--50 or even more every day and he really needs that protein at this stage to grow properly!Please continue your research at http://www.beardeddragon.org to learn everything you need to know about taking care of your dragon!Best of luck!