How do I get my puppy to stop eating his own poo?

My 9 month old pup eats his own poo when he turds in his cage. I think its because he knows he's done something wrong. How can I get him to stop munching on his steamers?

    How do I get my puppy to stop eating his own poo?

    My 9 month old pup eats his own poo when he turds in his cage. I think its because he knows he's done something wrong. How can I get him to stop munching on his steamers?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my puppy to stop eating his own poo?...

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    • How do I get my puppy to stop eating his own poo?

      How do I get my puppy to stop eating his own poo? Other Pet Discussions
      My 9 month old pup eats his own poo when he turds in his cage. I think its because he knows he's done something wrong. How can I get him to stop munching on his steamers?

      How do I get my puppy to stop eating his own poo?

      How do I get my puppy to stop eating his own poo? Other Pet Discussions
    • Go to the nearest pet store and see if they have a bitter apple spray. i used to work at a pet store sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. You have to spray it on it right after. Also try some pepper spray tha tworks too but be careful.

    • Unfortunately, sometimes it is a dog eat poop world. Dogs have been known to eat poop -- dog poop, cat poop, rabbit poop, deer poop, frozen poop, whatever. It's disgusting, there's no doubt about that, but why do they do it and what can be done about it?There are many theories as to why dogs eat poop. Some believe that dogs may have a dietary deficiency which they're compensating for by eating feces. Though there are some medical disorders that can lead to this, including starvation, disorders of the pancreas or intestine, and severe parasitic infestations which lead to serious malnutrition, these are typically rare. So, generally speaking, eating poop is not a sign that a dog is missing something in his diet.If you are REALLY that concerned about it, here's a website that proclaims to have a product you can give your dog to stop them from eating poop:

    • They have a pill for this. I can't remember the name of it but they sell it at the grocery store here in the pet section...Its very inexpensive and it works.Please don't hit him or put any hot sauce on it its not a behavioral problem its a mineral or vitamin deficiency...I think its a b def. not sure...research this online.Donna in FL

    • I have heard of the powder stuff to put on their food. I put it on my dogs food before. It does work for a while. My vet told me the reason dogs do this is that their mothers used to clean up after them when they were first born to keep to box clean, so they just kind of pick it up. It doesn't hurt them, but it sure is gross and their breathe is aweful.

    • Maybe you should make sure he has plenty of chew toys and doggie snacks and so on. I would also try to get the stink pickles out of his cage as soon as you can so he doesn't have a chance to chow on them.

    • ALL WRONG! the fact that he poops in his cage is because you haven't let him out to poop. dogs have an instinct to keep their dens free of poop and pee. since he is being locked in his cage too long and can't hold it in, he must poop, but he eats it, too. you need to seriously recreate your training methods. first of all, get a good dog house training book! good luck! -sudo dog behaviorist

    • Well, it doesn't matter why he's doing it. The point is that he's pooping in his crate because you're not giving him adequate opportunities to relieve himself. OR, he's learned that it's OK to poop in his crate, which will greatly undermine the crate training process (it all relies on a dog's instinct to keep his den clean)!So, make sure yo keep your pup on a strict schedule that involves walks outside after meals, after naptime, after play, after a night's sleep. Dogs, especially puppies, will often eat their own poop. Usually it's not harmful, but obviously not a good habit to get into. Remove his poop as soon as you see it, but you didn't say that he eats his poop even outside his crate. So, just concentrate on getting him to NOT poop in the crate!Outside his crate, just minimize his incidents with poop. Pick up his stuff as soon as he eliminates; steer him away from other dogs' poop. Teach him to "leave it" for things he's not supposed to have, and reward him with another treat. Good luck!