How can I teach my new cat to be an outside cat?

I have a boy cat that's already about 5 years old who is an outside cat. It works out great because I don't have a litter box. I'm thinking of getting another 6 month old boy cat. Both cats have not been neutered so should I be ready for fights…

    How can I teach my new cat to be an outside cat?

    I have a boy cat that's already about 5 years old who is an outside cat. It works out great because I don't have a litter box. I'm thinking of getting another 6 month old boy cat. Both cats have not been neutered so should I be ready for fights…...
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    • How can I teach my new cat to be an outside cat?

      How can I teach my new cat to be an outside cat? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a boy cat that's already about 5 years old who is an outside cat. It works out great because I don't have a litter box. I'm thinking of getting another 6 month old boy cat. Both cats have not been neutered so should I be ready for fights too?ALRIGHT!!! I'LL GET THEM NEUTERED SO YOU GUYS CAN GET OFF MY BACK. LOL ONE DAY CATS ARE GONNA BE EXTINCT IF WE KEEP GETTING THEM FIXED - GEESH!

      How can I teach my new cat to be an outside cat?

      How can I teach my new cat to be an outside cat? Other Pet Discussions
    • just take them outside... we wanted our cat to be an indoor cat but we took her out maybe 5 times to show our neighbors and now shes an outdoor cat. don't get them declawed if they are going to be friend has about 4 cats and when she first got them they all basically hated each other but now they sleep together. it just takes time. they still may not like each other and theres nothing you can really do about it. good luck.

    • You don't have to teach cats to be outside cats. It's teaching them to be inside cats that's the difficult part, but you've taken the easy way out.It's also -extremely- irresponsible of you to let your un-neutered tom roam free. Any un-neutered female they meet is fair game, and they'll add to the overpopulation of unwanted cats. Why do you think you see so many "FREE KITTENS" signs??Please, PLEASE get your cat "fixed" if there's any chance that it will be outdoors.Cats will fight, eventually. They're territorial creatures.

    • well if you have one cat who is not nutered and is out side getting other cats pregnant, i would not recoment getting another cat. first you should get him nutered and lukemia tested. especially if you have not vaccinated him, he could be speeding disease also. but by getting another boy cat only means that you are going to bring in another cat who will add to the hug population of kittens in your neighborhood, and posibly spreeding disease. get them to the vet and do the things they need to have done first. please don't contribute to the problem of cats who over populate and end up in the pound or end up hurt or even sick.

    • Why would you.have a cat out side if it's not neutered.all your causing is for the population of homeless cats to grow.You want to find a vet to get them neutered,it's not that expensive.Cats also have to be kept safe.Having any pet is not just having a pet, they requiere special care like vaccinations and dental. so if you think just to have cats bacause there cute.You might just want a stuffed animal.

    • girl, you really need to go to an animal shelter and see all the UNWANTED cats sitting there in cages because irresponsible people like you don't get them fixed.Then imagine those little cats getting put down because they have to make room for more cats coming in, who stand a better chance at far as making your cats outdoor, after you snip snip snip, open the door. The cat will go outside very cautiously, and won't stray too far from the door, because that's where his food supply is (btw, that's what cats are loyal to - food, not you). Anyway, as the cat gains confidence, he will enlarge his territory until you only see him when he's bored with being outside.

    • number one get the cats fixed, it is totally iresponsible to be putting unnuetered male cats out to make unwanted babies, and why the hell are you getting cats anyway if they are outside? Extinct dream on!!!! Dont get another cat just to throw it out to create more unwanted kittens what the hell is wrong with you. Just let the cat go to a good home that wants it inside with them, inside cats live almost twice as long as outdoor cats. If you dont want to bother with it dont get one.

    • LOL.. thank you for getting BOTH of them fixed. ( from someone who fostered 5 kittens, and adopted them out).Second point. Do your finances and the cats a favor, do some reading on what can and does happen to cats allowed outdoors. Feluc is a big bad-a$$ disease, it's pitiful to watch an animal die from it, and it is highly, HIGHLY contagious. If you can acclimate them to being indoor cats GREAT, if not, at least make sure you get them vaccinated for Feluc (FELV) . It's about 70-80 % effective, which covers scratches, shared meals & grooming, but no promises if a carrier bites one of your cats during a fight.

    • I just kept my kittens inside and brought them outside a couple times a day until they got used to living here. Then I just put them outside cause they already knew all my dogs and other cats. Though it helps if you train them to use a litter box inside and then put it outside for a while. That way it will not run off. I just let my cats go wherever they want around town.