How does a cat act right before it gives birth?

My cat is due any day now, and she's been scratching around in dark places, cardboard boxes, etc, and acting funny. Is she getting ready to burst? What are some signs that I need to look for?

    How does a cat act right before it gives birth?

    My cat is due any day now, and she's been scratching around in dark places, cardboard boxes, etc, and acting funny. Is she getting ready to burst? What are some signs that I need to look for?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How does a cat act right before it gives birth?...

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    • How does a cat act right before it gives birth?

      How does a cat act right before it gives birth? Other Pet Discussions
      My cat is due any day now, and she's been scratching around in dark places, cardboard boxes, etc, and acting funny. Is she getting ready to burst? What are some signs that I need to look for?

      How does a cat act right before it gives birth?

      How does a cat act right before it gives birth? Other Pet Discussions
    • Some will find a den to hide in, somewhere dark, anclosed and probably the hardest place for you to reach them. The queen may start panting, be restless or even vomit. There will be discharge, either clear or tinted with blood.