Is there a way to prevent hot spots on dogs? What is the best treatment for them?

Large dogs (Wolf hybrid), inside/outside freedom, location TN- The past few years have been terrible for hot spots, never had them prior to 2004, any remedy or preventative information will be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks!

    Is there a way to prevent hot spots on dogs? What is the best treatment for them?

    Large dogs (Wolf hybrid), inside/outside freedom, location TN- The past few years have been terrible for hot spots, never had them prior to 2004, any remedy or preventative information will be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks!...
    Other Pet Discussions : Is there a way to prevent hot spots on dogs? What is the best treatment for them?...

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    • Is there a way to prevent hot spots on dogs? What is the best treatment for them?

      Is there a way to prevent hot spots on dogs? What is the best treatment for them? Other Pet Discussions
      Large dogs (Wolf hybrid), inside/outside freedom, location TN- The past few years have been terrible for hot spots, never had them prior to 2004, any remedy or preventative information will be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks!

      Is there a way to prevent hot spots on dogs? What is the best treatment for them?

      Is there a way to prevent hot spots on dogs? What is the best treatment for them? Other Pet Discussions
    • Hot spots are usually a symptom of an allergy to the best way to get rid of them and make sure they dont return is to find out what the allergy is and remove the thing causing it or treat with shots is it is something you cant (like food,Corn especially is a big allergen for dogs and is also a main ingredient in most commercial foods)

    • has he been treated for fleas? usually a hot spot developes because of a bite. go to the store and buy Sulfanex it's in the pets section, put a little on a cotton ball and dab the hot spots, get him treated for fleas!

    • our dog used to get hot spots. mostl;y starting with a flea bite that got worse and bigger and bigger. we used to get the dogs coat (a border collie) cut short (about a half an inch in summer) and put an anticeptic cream on the hotspots. I doubt there is any preventative stuff you can do as you dont know where the next one will appear, save getting rid of the fleas and keeping them gone.

    • Hot spots can be caused by anything that irritates the skin enough to allow bacteria to get a foothold and grow. This produces itchiness that makes the dog chew or scratch, which further damages the skin, leading to a bigger area of infection, and the cycle can go on rapidly and spread widely. The most common irritants are probably fleas and allergies. These cause the itching that leads to the skin infection. Others are tick bites, bee-stings, burrs, mats, mosquitos, summer heat, blade burns (from grooming), etc. The important thing is to keep the area dry, so it can heal. My miniature poodle recently had a hot spot after we groomed him. I used Veterinarian's Best Hot Spot Itch Relief Spray. It really worked, & his hot spot is all cleared up.