How do I keep stray cats in our neighborhood from urinating on my motorcycle and the motorcycle cover?

There are stray cats in the neighborhood and they keep urinating on my bike cover. I took it off and washed it but then they urinated on my bike engine! How do I make them stop?

    How do I keep stray cats in our neighborhood from urinating on my motorcycle and the motorcycle cover?

    There are stray cats in the neighborhood and they keep urinating on my bike cover. I took it off and washed it but then they urinated on my bike engine! How do I make them stop?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I keep stray cats in our neighborhood from urinating on my motorcycle and the motorcycle cover?...

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    • How do I keep stray cats in our neighborhood from urinating on my motorcycle and the motorcycle cover?

      How do I keep stray cats in our neighborhood from urinating on my motorcycle and the motorcycle cover? Other Pet Discussions
      There are stray cats in the neighborhood and they keep urinating on my bike cover. I took it off and washed it but then they urinated on my bike engine! How do I make them stop?

      How do I keep stray cats in our neighborhood from urinating on my motorcycle and the motorcycle cover?

      How do I keep stray cats in our neighborhood from urinating on my motorcycle and the motorcycle cover? Other Pet Discussions
    • You can call animal control to round up the strays, too. That should help. You can also try a scat mat, which doesn't hurt the cats but is a strong discourager.

    • Get a trap from your local humane society and trap them. They will usually pick them up and you will be rid of your cat problem. Cats, same as dogs, are not allowed to run wild. You will be saving unwanted kittens lives!

    • get a dog. There is a product on the market I think you can get it at Pets-Mart, I cant remember the name I am sure you could ask a clerk at the store.

    • It means they like you because they are marking your area as theirs too! Unfortunately if they are strays they are not fixed and their instinct is to mark territories. If they are peoples pets, if they care about them they should get them spayed & keep them safely indoors.

    • Start leaving dishes of milk mixed with antifreeze out. Dont do this if you or your neighbors have outside cats though. But you also must realize if you kill all the cats off you could get a mouse problem.

    • There is a really good product called Boundry. You sprinkle it around your lawn, and it will keep the cats away... WITHOUT KILLING THEM!!! Most animal controls will not pick up ferral cats, you can try calling, but most likely will not. Boundry is your best and also humane choice.

    • Well PLEASE don't hurt the stray cats. They don't want to be out there anymore then you want them out there. But if you want them to stay away for your motorcycle and the cover try and put some moth balls around where you park your bike. They don't like the smell they will not go by it anymore. I hope this helps you. Trust me it is not the cats fault it is the stupid people who let there cats out.

    • LOL.......Now thats funny ! I can just see the sticker in the back window of a truck the cat peeing on a harley. But seriously move to another area that doesn't allow stray cats to just wander to the owners if you know who they are. call animal control to pick them up.there are also products like skat to keep them from urinating where you don't want them to.