What is the most humane way to put a cat down?

My cat ran past me when I opened the door with bags in my hands and ran out into the street where a car hit her. I went to take her to the emergency room but my car refused to start. She is barely moving or breathing and I am considering helping to the…

    What is the most humane way to put a cat down?

    My cat ran past me when I opened the door with bags in my hands and ran out into the street where a car hit her. I went to take her to the emergency room but my car refused to start. She is barely moving or breathing and I am considering helping to the…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the most humane way to put a cat down?...

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    • What is the most humane way to put a cat down?

      What is the most humane way to put a cat down? Other Pet Discussions
      My cat ran past me when I opened the door with bags in my hands and ran out into the street where a car hit her. I went to take her to the emergency room but my car refused to start. She is barely moving or breathing and I am considering helping to the light. Any suggestions?If I could take the cat to the vet I would. What ever happen to compassion?

      What is the most humane way to put a cat down?

      What is the most humane way to put a cat down? Other Pet Discussions
    • it's not easy, but I grew up in the country the vet was 40 miles away. Daddy used a bullet. Other ways are crueler than the car. I just held my cat Jade when she was hit. I was the only one who could touch her anyway, but she never knew it, just comfort as best you can or get a gun. Sorry best I can do.

    • if there is no way you can save her(neighbor,friend), and she is almost dead, suffocate her...or just let nature take it's course, I'm so sorry..., I'll pray for you.

    • this is gonna sound bad but i had to do it,my friend called me at 3 in the morning, she had just stepped on her kittens head, mind you my friend weighs about 230lbs vs a baby kitten of maybe 9 weeks old, any how i get there and theres blood all over the floor and hes got his brains hangin out his ears pretty much, i didnt know what else to do with him, she had broke his neck and crushed his skull, i tried to rebreak itbut it wasnt working, i had to suffocate him to death by choking off his air supply and pressing the air out of his tummy. id say that was the hardest thing i had to do and i had nightmares about it for weeks, but as a cat lover i couldnt let him suffer anymore then he already had, so tis ur call on how to handle that but thats what i did in similar circumstancesif the cat passes bowel movements its done for thats the last thing living things do beofre they die, is pass the urine and bowels, if shes stiff or unable to move then her neck is broke and she cant live that way. if u have anymore questions u can email me or msnger me

    • 1) If you can get your car started...Go to the vet. 2) If you cannot go anywhere, call Your City Animal Control and have them pick it up to euthanize it.I recommend Phenobarbitol injection for painless drift off to sleep type passing on....DO NOT LET ANYONE USE THE CARBON MONOXIDE CHAMBER!!! It is a painful and scary way to be put down.3)If nothing can be done and you are in the county, Shoot it. Please, Don't let her suffer.

    • I'm really sorry about your kitty. It's horrible to lose her like that. Don't pay attention to cruel disgusting answers that aren't funny at all. I would even report something like "boil her" as abuse.