How am I suppose to take care of a 6 week old Labrador retriever puppy?

It's our first puppy. 7 weeks. Is it normal for him to be biting on alot of stuff? Bite you? Whine at night? What am I suppose to do when it whines? When it bites? Any other tips?

    How am I suppose to take care of a 6 week old Labrador retriever puppy?

    It's our first puppy. 7 weeks. Is it normal for him to be biting on alot of stuff? Bite you? Whine at night? What am I suppose to do when it whines? When it bites? Any other tips?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How am I suppose to take care of a 6 week old Labrador retriever puppy?...

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    • How am I suppose to take care of a 6 week old Labrador retriever puppy?

      How am I suppose to take care of a 6 week old Labrador retriever puppy? Other Pet Discussions
      It's our first puppy. 7 weeks. Is it normal for him to be biting on alot of stuff? Bite you? Whine at night? What am I suppose to do when it whines? When it bites? Any other tips?

      How am I suppose to take care of a 6 week old Labrador retriever puppy?

      How am I suppose to take care of a 6 week old Labrador retriever puppy? Other Pet Discussions
    • Yes all that is normal.Puppies are meant to be with their mother until 8 weeks old, but even so.When he bites, yelp loudly and ignore him for a few minutes, if he hurt his brother or sister this is what would happen, even if he doesn't hurt you, do this. He whines because he has suddenly being taken from his family and everything familiar too him. Make sure he has a comfortable spot to sleep. It sounds cruel, but the best thing to do when he cries is ignore him. If you give him attention he will learn that crying gets him cuddles,or some sort of attention. Sometimes people put a ticking clock under a blanket in the dogs bed, it's meant to remind them of their mothers heartbeat, I've never done this though.Take him to the vet and get his shots and a general health check.Enroll him in a puppy training class ASAP. The more socialization, the better.

    • Ok this is easy I have one and raised it. These dogs are not calm until they are 2 years old.Get a washcloth and get it wet.then put I in a circle and freeze it. Go to the pet store and there should be a chew for puppies ask a cleark. Sounds like he is theething so this is normal it is like babies. U might see them eating alot make sure u dont give him alot labs love food.GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

    • 1. Why do you have such a young puppy? Puppies should be kept with their mother for 10 weeks. If you rescued it, I understand. If not, report the backyard breeder you got it from.Anyway, the dog will be able to eat whole food now. Give him some soft puppy food, since his teeth aren't very strong yet. Puppies will teeth at this age, so get him some chew toys. He will whine at night. This is normal. When he whines, check that he has food. Puppies should have a steady supply of food at this age. When it bites, say no. At this age, he shouldn't go outside. He should get vaccinated first. Use puppy pads or newspapers. When he is vaccinated, take him outside every two hours and praise him when he goes. Good luck.