How do I introduce my cat to our new puppy?

We have a 3 year old cat, sammie. We are getting a Australian Shephard/husky mix puppy. Since sammie is very territorial cat we are trying to research ways to introduce them so they can be friends. Anyone have any suggestions?

    How do I introduce my cat to our new puppy?

    We have a 3 year old cat, sammie. We are getting a Australian Shephard/husky mix puppy. Since sammie is very territorial cat we are trying to research ways to introduce them so they can be friends. Anyone have any suggestions?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I introduce my cat to our new puppy?...

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    • How do I introduce my cat to our new puppy?

      How do I introduce my cat to our new puppy? Other Pet Discussions
      We have a 3 year old cat, sammie. We are getting a Australian Shephard/husky mix puppy. Since sammie is very territorial cat we are trying to research ways to introduce them so they can be friends. Anyone have any suggestions?

      How do I introduce my cat to our new puppy?

      How do I introduce my cat to our new puppy? Other Pet Discussions
    • just try to separate all the stuff that ur new puppy might want. and try to set them up when theyre are in a good mood.also make sure ur cat isnt too jealous of the new puppy getting all the attention.

    • Introduce them anywhere but Sammie's favorite places (if sammie has a certian room that he likes, or hiding spot, stay away from those areas), that way to show that the puppy is not taking over his space (If you piss off your cat he might start spraying...and that would suck)....Also make sure you are giving Sammie just as much attention as the puppy... You need to make Sammie understand that the changes in the household are not neccessarily bad... Good Luck

    • If Sammie is very territorial, do not place both cat and dog in the same place right away. Keep them in different rooms for the first week, or two weeks. Present the cat with things that belong to the dog (blankets, toys...) and to the same with the dog, so they can get used to the scent of one another. When it's time for them to meet, don't place the puppy in front of the cat or viceversa. Just open their doors so they can approach each other slowly. If the dog looks too nervous or excited, use a leash on their first interactions. Cats and dogs don't communicate the same way and, if the dog wants to play and raises a paw, the cat may consider it a sign of threat and scratch him. Watch them for the first days they interact with each other. They might run away from each other at first or have small fights. It's also normal for the cat to get angry at the puppy - that's his way of teaching the puppy how to play with him, Talk to them with a soft and happy voice when they are together, so they will understand that it's good to be friends.Also, never stop paying attention to Sammie. Don't make him feel replaced. If you are careful and patient, they will eventually get used to each other.

    • First, always remember that it was Sammie's "house" first. First, find Sammie's favorite place in the house, like maybe the living room. Use a baby fence (sorry i can't remember the name of it) to section that off from another room. Make sure that Sammie has someplace to hide in his room. Bring the puppy into the room opposite Sammie, so they can see each other, but they can't get to each other. Do this many times in a few days (in between keep the dog in a seperate room away from Sammie. Get Sammie used to the smell of her new roommate. After Sammie seems pretty comfortable with just being in the same room as the dog, take out the baby fence and let them sniff. Make sure that you are ready to pull the puppy away when Sammie has enough. After a few supervised "play dates" you can start increasing the time that they are together unsupervised. NOTE: Make sure that Sammie always has a perch that she can go on and be away from the dog. That is essential. Make sure that if Sammie has had enough, she can get out of the situation.Sorry if Sammie is a he!