What is the smartest cat breed and what do they look like?

I'm looking to get a cat. I don't want a purebred because I cannot afford it but would like to rescue a cat from the local shelter. I cannot stand stupid cats and I want a good house cat who is independent but still loving ... and definitely not stupid.

    What is the smartest cat breed and what do they look like?

    I'm looking to get a cat. I don't want a purebred because I cannot afford it but would like to rescue a cat from the local shelter. I cannot stand stupid cats and I want a good house cat who is independent but still loving ... and definitely not stupid....
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the smartest cat breed and what do they look like?...

    • What is the smartest cat breed and what do they look like?

      What is the smartest cat breed and what do they look like? Other Pet Discussions
      I'm looking to get a cat. I don't want a purebred because I cannot afford it but would like to rescue a cat from the local shelter. I cannot stand stupid cats and I want a good house cat who is independent but still loving ... and definitely not stupid.

      What is the smartest cat breed and what do they look like?

      What is the smartest cat breed and what do they look like? Other Pet Discussions
    • I personally think they are all smart in their own ways , look how some have saved their owners life. We do not give them enough credit. A mixed breed is as important as a fancy one and get from a shelter !!

    • Mixed breeds, especially those from shelters, often have the appearance of being smarter than purebreds. They've had to learn lessons & survival skills that our pampered pedigreed cats never had to experience. Most cats are reasonably smart though, just the most pampered ones sometimes are smart enough to play dumb because they'll get what they want from us anyway. ;-)Good luck finding a purrfect companion!

    • Sounds like ur aiming for a siamese. studies show, Siamese are the most intelligent of the domestic cats. If your not looking to pay alot of money, then you should possibly look at finding one from a shelter. Siamese cats are also extremely affectionate once they come to know you. You can teach them fetch (as mine will), as well as many other tricks. My Siamese actually taught ME she wanted to play fetch. They come in various colors, but with points on their ears, nose, paws, and tail. They have anywhere from china-blue eyes to vibrant emerald blue, beautiful and sweet. They will enjoy riding on your shoulder, literally. Good luck.