How can I build a great hutch for my new outdoor bunny?

I live in NC, where it is mildly cold (lows around 30) in the winter and pretty hot (highs around 95) in the summer. She's going to be big, about 25 lbs, and there are two outdoor dogs where she's going to be. I'm not worried about the dogs so much as…

    How can I build a great hutch for my new outdoor bunny?

    I live in NC, where it is mildly cold (lows around 30) in the winter and pretty hot (highs around 95) in the summer. She's going to be big, about 25 lbs, and there are two outdoor dogs where she's going to be. I'm not worried about the dogs so much as…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I build a great hutch for my new outdoor bunny?...

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    • How can I build a great hutch for my new outdoor bunny?

      How can I build a great hutch for my new outdoor bunny? Other Pet Discussions
      I live in NC, where it is mildly cold (lows around 30) in the winter and pretty hot (highs around 95) in the summer. She's going to be big, about 25 lbs, and there are two outdoor dogs where she's going to be. I'm not worried about the dogs so much as the raccoons around. I want to build a hutch that will keep her warm in the winter and cool in the summer and will be safe for her.

      How can I build a great hutch for my new outdoor bunny?

      How can I build a great hutch for my new outdoor bunny? Other Pet Discussions
    • At the source link are plans to do just what you want.If you are young, (say 11 to 18) you can join your local county 4H and acquire plans through that organization.

    • take some wood and build a frame as big as you want it then cover every thing exept the roof with wire and cover all that exept the door and the bottom with wood so in the summer you can take the wood off and make it cooler tin is good for a roof if it is slanted to the backi live in nc to so i know the weather and i made a hutch like this for my 3 rabbits