How long does a cat go through labor?

My cat in pregnant and she's about due. She starting getting really fussy and mean the last fue days so I know the kittens are coming soon, but how soon..? Also do their belly's drop right before they have them?

    How long does a cat go through labor?

    My cat in pregnant and she's about due. She starting getting really fussy and mean the last fue days so I know the kittens are coming soon, but how soon..? Also do their belly's drop right before they have them?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How long does a cat go through labor?...

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    • How long does a cat go through labor?

      How long does a cat go through labor? Other Pet Discussions
      My cat in pregnant and she's about due. She starting getting really fussy and mean the last fue days so I know the kittens are coming soon, but how soon..? Also do their belly's drop right before they have them?

      How long does a cat go through labor?

      How long does a cat go through labor? Other Pet Discussions
    • a cat can be in labor for a few hours, it was 4 for my cat. She started screaming, and tried to find a place that was dark before she gave birth. I felt so bad for her.

    • I don't know about the belly dropping but, depending on the number of kittens it could take...up to an hour or two...not very long at all.Our cats didn't scream...they meowed a little, I think, but it was nothing like a woman giving birth or anything...

    • Sometimes. Its not really the belly thats dropping, its the tits filling with milk. Our cat who was a pro at having kittens took about 4 hours. Remember its like humans, to have one baby it takes some women 1 hour, some it takes 30. It depends on the cat, number of kittens, and how easy it is on her. Try to fix her a box with old clothing in it. Something you can wear for an hour or something so it smells like you. Nature will take awhile. She will lose a mucus plug up to 3 hours before the 1st kitten comes. If you are going through the labor with her, just comfort her. Don't try to help with the kittens as they come. Wait til she is done and ready for you to hold them.

    • I have witnessed many kitten birthings, and they have lasted from a few hours to a whole day before she was finished.As far as the belly dropping, I don't recall, but it sounds like a good indicator that it's coming quickly.As weird as it sounds, try to get her to the bathroon, because it can get kinda' messy and that's the easiest place to clean up afterwards. Or get her a big box or clothes basket with a large towel in it for her comfort and easy cleanup.Use an old towel that you can dispose of.

    • It depends on how many kittens your cat delivers, as to how long she'll be in labor. It can vary too. Most times, it takes about 20-30 minutes per kitten. Cats deliver sitting up. Provide a big box with some old towels and put her in it now. Let her know that this is her safe place. Otherwise, she may find a different place to deliver, and you might not like the in the middle of your brand new bedspread! She knows what to do, so don't bother her while she's delivering. Just watch, to make sure she doesn't get in distress while delivering. Let her clean them off. Just enjoy the experience, and the little babies. <*)))><

    • the labour may take 2-3 hours and the cat may ask for the help of the person it likes best,by making gestures to capture your atention. you don"t have to do much ,she does everything ,just be around and she"ll be fine. be sure you do not touch the kittens and prepare a place where she can not be easily seen so it can feel safe. good luck

    • Female cats could take up to 24 hours to deliver there kittens depending on the type of cat and how many kittens are going to be born. Also the size and shape of the heat can determine the speed. on a pesonal note my kittens were born in about 5-7 hours.

    • You will know when she starts searching out a place to have them. She will seem very eager and try to find weird places(that may not be safe) to hide. When she does this, try to get her to settle down in a box. She should be locked in one room, so she can't take the kittens and hide them. Make sure she can't get in closets or cupboards. It all happens pretty quick. Once the first kitten is born, it should be about 10 min. to 1 hr. between them(no more than 2). There are usually 2-6 kittens per litter. ...and remember if you don't want any more kittens have her spayed right after she stops nursing. As there are many homeless animals put to death everyday.