How do you decrease the amount your dog barks?

We just got a puppy and it is starting to bark all the time. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions without spending hundreds of dollars to decrease the amount of barking.

    How do you decrease the amount your dog barks?

    We just got a puppy and it is starting to bark all the time. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions without spending hundreds of dollars to decrease the amount of barking....
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    • How do you decrease the amount your dog barks?

      How do you decrease the amount your dog barks? Other Pet Discussions
      We just got a puppy and it is starting to bark all the time. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions without spending hundreds of dollars to decrease the amount of barking.

      How do you decrease the amount your dog barks?

      How do you decrease the amount your dog barks? Other Pet Discussions
    • Either by kicking it...well not recommended.Or using a shock collar. This will help train it not to bark. everytime it barkes it will get shocked. So eventually it'll stop because it does not want to get shocked. One or the other. ;)

    • Make sure you don't stop him from barking when you WANT him to bark, as in when someone is outside your house. To stop a dog from barking, you have to be the ALPHA. Everytime the dog starts, gently place your hand over the loose skin of its neck and grasp. Hold the dogs head and neck to the gound until it stops struggling. This is what it's mother would do to control it.After awhile, the dog will associate this control responce to the barking and will stop. You must, and I mean MUST be consistant with a dog if you want it to behave.Any violence to the dog will teach it to be afraid of you and that is the last thing you want from "womans/mans best friend". Don't strike it or squirt it or kick it please, this is a member of your family.Good Luck!!

    • There is a spray sold at pet stores that is sour apple or some flavor that is not liked by dogs.When my dog was younger, we used it on him each time he barked for 'no reason'. Maybe he had one and we just did not know(6th sense). Either way, it helped a little. 11 years later, he still barks at 'nothing' and at 'everything'. :) I have considered getting him put on prozac so he can calm the f down.:)Seriously, try the spray or ask the people at the pet store.Good Luck!

    • give it a big stuffed animal to curl up with. He is probably missing his siblings...if this doesn't work at all...get a spray bottle and squirt him with a little bit of cold water on his nose when he starts to bark.

    • hile the dog's ancestor, the wolf, has been observed to bark in only a few specific situations, dogs will bark in almost any situation. This behavior divergence raises the question as to why dogs, in the course of their evolution, began to bark so much. Some researchers believe that barking is very context-specific, while others believe that barking essentially serves no function. Despite this discrepancy, what does remain clear is that barking is part of a dog's normal repertoire of behavior. Yet when barking is excessive, it becomes a nuisance that must be addressed. Various treatment options for excessive barking are available.Although there are over 52 million dogs in the United States alone, very few studies on vocal communication in domestic dogs have heen conducted. Until recently, researchers had agreed that dogs bark frequently, in so many contexts, and for such long periods that barking must simply he a nonspecific way for them to gain attention. However, barking is often considered nuisance behavior, and many counties in the United States have adopted ordinances that address noise from barking dogs. Barking is a major source of noise pollution in kennels as well.The wolf is believed to bark for only two reasons: as an alarm and as a threat.1 The alarm bark serves as a warning to other pack members that danger is imminent, and the threatening bark is directed at intruders.2 If dogs barked only for these two reasons, then barking might be more tolerable. However, unlike wolves, dogs bark in many other situations as well. Recent statistical analysis' has revealed that barks can be divided into different subtypes based on context and that individual dogs can be identified by their barks. For example, disturbance barks tend to be harsh, low frequency, and unmodulated, whereas isolation and play barks tend to be tonal, higher frequency, and modulated.' These findings suggest that barks may have specific functions in specific contexts, unlike conclusions that have been drawn in previous studies on dog barking.About 35% of dog owners complain about inappropriate barking as one of the most common behavior problems, so the ability to identify why a dog barks in certain situations can be extremely helpful in trying to eliminate the behavior.4 Because excessive barking is such a prevalent problem, veterinarians and their staff need to be readily able to offer clients advice regarding the management and treatment of nuisance barking. This article focuses on the origin of barking, why dogs bark, and what can be done to manage excessive barking.

    • I have a yorkie. He used to bark at the littlest noise. I got a bark collar. Just few times wearing it stop the barking. Now all I have say is "Do you want the bark collar" and he know what it means and stops barking. It worked for me...

    • If you prefer not to use the shock collar, maybe try making a loud noise everytime he barks. Use coins in a can, or something to that effect. When he barks, shake the can and say "No" or "No Barking." Eventually the puppy should just respond to the word no. Whatever you do, don't say no, and your puppy's name in the same sentence, then he may associate his name with doing something wrong. My hubby and I used this method on our cats to teach them not to scratch the couch, and on our dog we can just say hush and she quits barking. Good luck!

    • Squirt gun will do the trick much cheaper than shock collar. You must be consistent and just squirt every time he barks it won't take long for him to stop.

    • If you decide to go with the shock collar... make sure you put it on nice and snug.... reason for that is most shock collars only work on the vocal cords, and as soon as the dog figures out to move the collar to the side it will start barking again( and it only takes most dogs less than a week to figure it out).