How do I get my cat to stop pooping on my new carpet?

She doesn't pee, only poops. She did it on the old carpet and I thought the new, clean smelling carpet would put an end to this. I've given her 3 (yes 3) litter boxes and clean them constantly. She will go on the rug even when all 3 are clean. I've…

    How do I get my cat to stop pooping on my new carpet?

    She doesn't pee, only poops. She did it on the old carpet and I thought the new, clean smelling carpet would put an end to this. I've given her 3 (yes 3) litter boxes and clean them constantly. She will go on the rug even when all 3 are clean. I've…...
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    • How do I get my cat to stop pooping on my new carpet?

      How do I get my cat to stop pooping on my new carpet? Other Pet Discussions
      She doesn't pee, only poops. She did it on the old carpet and I thought the new, clean smelling carpet would put an end to this. I've given her 3 (yes 3) litter boxes and clean them constantly. She will go on the rug even when all 3 are clean. I've cleaned them out and put fresh litter in them. I've locked her in the room where the litter boxes are...Besides getting rid of her, what can I do?

      How do I get my cat to stop pooping on my new carpet?

      How do I get my cat to stop pooping on my new carpet? Other Pet Discussions
    • Buy Attract A Cat Kitty Litter. You can get it at Pet Smart and it has a substance on it that attracts cats to the litter box. You can also buy it at your vet's office in a container that you "sprinkle" onto kitty litter.Good Luck

    • spray the cat with some water everytime she goes to poop, then she will understand not to do it, it will take a few weeks but keep at it and it will work in the end. well it worked for me. spray something strong down their too, she wont like the smell of that.

    • as with human children, consistancy is important when disciplining bad behaviour. Each of my cats have a thing they 'hate' as far as discipline goes; one hates to be sprayed with a water bottle, the other hates being swatted with a rolled up newspaper. Experiment with different discipline techniques. Once you've honed in on the one your cat hates most, use it everytime you catch her, or if she goes when you aren't there, bring her to the scene of the crime and then punish. It may well take a few months, but she's 'testing' you! In the meantime, to keep your carpets from being ruined, go to the local Home Depot or whatever you have, and buy some 'carpet protector' - it is self-adhesive film usually used by contractors when they are working on a home, to keep from destroying carpet. It peels right off & you can keep re-applying it untill kitty gets trained.

    • I have a brother and sister pair of cats and my female did the same thing, so heres some of the things I have tried and/or read: If it's a certain area where she's doing this, put the litter box in that spot after cleaning the area thoroughly, if this is a bad spot for the litter box, then wait till she starts using it good in that area and slowly day after day, move the box to a location that is close to where she was going but that it is better for you. It is possible that the "poop" scent went down thru the old carpet into the padding underneath or all the way down to the floor boards, as much of a pain as it may be, deodorizing the floor boards may help. There are also good "stay-away" or phermone powders and sprays that you can find at your pet supply shops that you can spray in the area and it will repell them from the area (in my experience however my cat got to where she ignored it or would just move to a different area). We also tried industrial style hospital disinfectant cleaners to clean the floor with. Another thing is that cats don't like to use the bathroom in areas that are busy/high traffic areas, so you may need to relocate the litter boxes you have out. Cats also will not like to poop where their food is. Whatever you do, don't clean the area with amonia, it will only make your problem worse. If all else fails, see your vet, there may be an underlying health issue that is making your cat behave in the way that it is. Purina's website also contains alot of articles on cat behavior and there are always websites for various cat organizations that provide helpful info. After trying almost every single one of these things, I finally got her to stop. Don't get discouraged. Hope this helps.