What other animals are compatible with cats?

I have a female cat already spayed. I want to introduce a new pet into the house, but I don't want another cat. I'm thinking of something small that I can keep in a cage or a tank. What would be a good pet that would be compatible, worry-free & she…

    What other animals are compatible with cats?

    I have a female cat already spayed. I want to introduce a new pet into the house, but I don't want another cat. I'm thinking of something small that I can keep in a cage or a tank. What would be a good pet that would be compatible, worry-free & she…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What other animals are compatible with cats?...

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    • What other animals are compatible with cats?

      What other animals are compatible with cats? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a female cat already spayed. I want to introduce a new pet into the house, but I don't want another cat. I'm thinking of something small that I can keep in a cage or a tank. What would be a good pet that would be compatible, worry-free & she won't try to eat/kill?

      What other animals are compatible with cats?

      What other animals are compatible with cats? Other Pet Discussions
    • fish if she cant reach the tank. turtles are cool. hamsters but u have to clean up after them a lot. umm lizards. snails! and a snake. those are some i could think of at the moment. also check out some pet stores nearby cus they have small things like that.=)

    • Ferrets, large rabbits, these are big enough to fend for themselves. Ferrets are usually easy to get along with for cats. They don't mess with the cats but won't take any shit off of them either. No mice, rats, hamster, gerbils or birds. I have 3 cats and 1 rat. The rat has to stay in a closed door so the cats don't eat her. The cats can get into the cage. And even if the cage is fixed so they can't they can terrify the poor rodent.