How long can a Beta Fish last without food?

How often do you also have to clean the bowl out?

    How long can a Beta Fish last without food?

    How often do you also have to clean the bowl out?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How long can a Beta Fish last without food?...

    • How long can a Beta Fish last without food?

      How long can a Beta Fish last without food? Other Pet Discussions
      How often do you also have to clean the bowl out?

      How long can a Beta Fish last without food?

      How long can a Beta Fish last without food? Other Pet Discussions
    • You should clean the bowl at least once a week. This gives the fish new air. Also, my Beta has gone 2 days without new food being given to him. I would not recommend going longer than that.

    • ok for mine i fed it once a day wuith one flake, but i would imagine it would last upto 4 days, maybe more, depends on how much food skinks tpo thje botom and doesnt become slime

    • Bettas are lovely, aren't they?How often to feed your betta depends on the betta itself, how old it is, how big your tank is and any number of other things.For the record, bettas SHOULD NOT be fed flake food as it does not contain all the things they need to maintain a healthy diet and vibrant colouring.Frozen Bloodworms and/or Brine Shrimp, which you can pick up at your local pet shop, are just the ticket! With the both, they come frozen and you would simply chip of a peice from the block about the size of a pencil eraser , maybe a bit smaller depending on how small or large the fish is, and thaw in a small amount of water. Pour in, and let your fish go to town.Mine is fed once every 2-3 days but will take food readily if offered more often.Keep in mind to be careful that you do not overfeed as overfeeding will cause your tank or bowl to get dirty really fast, which could lead to fin rot.

    • An adult could go at least a week and likely two without food. Fish are cold blooded and because they don't use food energy to warm themselves the way warm blooded animals do, they can go a surprisingly long time without any food at all. If the bowl is a bit larger then once every week or two. If the bowl is one of the tiny little ones, then get a larger bowl and clean it every week or two.