How can i get rid of stray cats who keeps coming in our apartment window.?

Is there any repellant that i can use without harming the stray cats? i do have a dog inside the house that usually doesnt finish his food so most of the time the cats would smell the lefover food and try to sneak in to get a piece of whats left. Hope…

    How can i get rid of stray cats who keeps coming in our apartment window.?

    Is there any repellant that i can use without harming the stray cats? i do have a dog inside the house that usually doesnt finish his food so most of the time the cats would smell the lefover food and try to sneak in to get a piece of whats left. Hope…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can i get rid of stray cats who keeps coming in our apartment window.?...

    • How can i get rid of stray cats who keeps coming in our apartment window.?

      How can i get rid of stray cats who keeps coming in our apartment window.? Other Pet Discussions
      Is there any repellant that i can use without harming the stray cats? i do have a dog inside the house that usually doesnt finish his food so most of the time the cats would smell the lefover food and try to sneak in to get a piece of whats left. Hope you can help me. thanks!Got some interesting answers, thanks! though i need more suggestions. we usually leave the balcony window open for our dog to poo and pee outside. so we really cant close the window, darn cats!Hey thanks for all your suggestions. will try some of it and see which one works well. hopefully they'll just stay away from our balcony window coz im afraid our dog might get some unwanted disease or virus from these stray cats who just loves to check our dog's dish. Thanks again!

      How can i get rid of stray cats who keeps coming in our apartment window.?

      How can i get rid of stray cats who keeps coming in our apartment window.? Other Pet Discussions
    • you can get a bitter apple spray and put that on the window sill, or you could just get a spray bottle, fill it with water, and everytime the attempt to come into the window, spray them, they'll take off real quick.

    • here's a little trick i learned from my mum. put orange peels on the window it seems like cats don't like it's smell. i tried it and it works quite well. other wise get a dog there you'll be sure that no cats will come.

    • Someone once told me cats do not like the smell of moth balls. Maybe set them around the dogs dish or around the perimeter of the patio for a few days or weeks. It can't hurt to at least try it.

    • you got to let the cat know this is your territory by frightening them off. You don't have to hurt them just let them know in no uncertain terms that a bigger scarier cat (ie you) lives there! Be really aggressive without being violent.

    • Call your local animal control and tell them you have cats that are a nusiance to you and they will most likely bring a cage out.when you catch one , get it in the cage and call animal control to take it away.