How do I get my cat to like water?

My cat refuses to take a bath, everytime we pick her up and bring her into the bathroom she'll pee everywhere and scream and then run out the door. How do I get my cat to like water, it needs to be cleaned!

    How do I get my cat to like water?

    My cat refuses to take a bath, everytime we pick her up and bring her into the bathroom she'll pee everywhere and scream and then run out the door. How do I get my cat to like water, it needs to be cleaned!...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my cat to like water?...

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    • How do I get my cat to like water?

      How do I get my cat to like water? Other Pet Discussions
      My cat refuses to take a bath, everytime we pick her up and bring her into the bathroom she'll pee everywhere and scream and then run out the door. How do I get my cat to like water, it needs to be cleaned!

      How do I get my cat to like water?

      How do I get my cat to like water? Other Pet Discussions
    • I don't think you can make a cat like water. If they like it they do and if they don't they don't. You will just have to shut the door and try to give it a bath as fast as you can. Get someone to help you hole her while you wash.

    • Cats don't like water and you can't make them like water....Why does she need a bath? Most cats never get bathed. They do a good job of keeping themselves clean. If I were you, I would call my Vet and ask for help. Perhaps you could sedate her or take her to a groomer. If you continue to force her, you could get hurt or injure her.

    • i think you should get her professionaly groomed. After a few visits (maybe 20) she will get used to it. Observe the professionals, then after a while try doing it yourself. It may help.

    • Its a cats nature to avoid water...all you can ever do is try bathing them from a kitten to get them used to it...i did and my cat still didnt like it but he was good and just sat threw it..Meowed the whole time but never moved!!

    • Giving your cat a bath is actually not very good for her unless she is extremely dirty. If she is dirty, try wiping her down with a wet cloth or take her to get done professionally.

    • Have you ever managed to bathe her? Or is it just the horror at this point? I don't think she'll ever like it, but you can do it- keep your eyes peeled for when she pees, and do it right after. Definitely have another person to help hold while you scrub. Oh, and close the door.

    • You really really need to be careful. As mentioned earlier, cats usually freak when forced into water and will do anything to get away from it. This includes biting, scratching, etc. This will lead you pretty quickly to an emergency room visit for antibiotics if you get bit as cats have very dirty mouths. Good advice: take to groomer. Cats are usually so scared at the groomers that they freeze long enough for the bath to happen. Good luck

    • I am sorry to say some cats like water but most do not. I was told by my vet that you are not suppose to bathe your cat. Cats are very independent and they clean themselves. But if you really think your cat needs a bath then you might want to go out and get the cat wipes. They are like baby wipes but the are for cats. Try and wash the cat with them. But if I were you I would not try to put the cat in the tub because you are either going to hurt the cat or the cat is going to hurt you. And if you get bite by the cat even with the cat if it has all it's shot could still wind you up in the hospital. So I hope what I am telling you may help.

    • Cats are frightened when it comes to bathing, don't try to stick it in a tub of water. I have a bucket, really large and make sure it ids filled enough and make sure the water is off when I take them in the bathroom. use cans to dip fclean water in it and a shower head without the spray on it to rinse. Then have plenty of towels to hold it in and let it know all will be OK. Try to make it a nice expierence. You may need to have a vets advice. And don't lose your temper, the cat will remember and make it worse!