How do you train a dog to go to the bathroom outside?

Ive had cats my whole life and I am holding a puppy for someone(didnt have a choice)and I dont know how to train it to go to the bathroom outside.

    How do you train a dog to go to the bathroom outside?

    Ive had cats my whole life and I am holding a puppy for someone(didnt have a choice)and I dont know how to train it to go to the bathroom outside....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you train a dog to go to the bathroom outside?...

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    • How do you train a dog to go to the bathroom outside?

      How do you train a dog to go to the bathroom outside? Other Pet Discussions
      Ive had cats my whole life and I am holding a puppy for someone(didnt have a choice)and I dont know how to train it to go to the bathroom outside.

      How do you train a dog to go to the bathroom outside?

      How do you train a dog to go to the bathroom outside? Other Pet Discussions
    • I just finished housebreaking my dog.Reward the puppy when it goes outside and scold it when it goes inside. Take it to the same spot outdoors where you see it likes to go, and take him there often. As soon as he goes praise and reward him. Dogs respond better to positive feedback, so instead of yelling at him when he goes inside, just put the mess where he usually goes. Only if you will be having him for a long time and he is not doing well should you start punishing him for going in the house. There are alot of articles online about housebreaking.

    • when it pees inside you smack it not hard to hurt enough so it get the messge put its nose in it the smack lightly again and say NO!!then out it out side then bring it back to the same sopt where it peed theen say good dog when she smellss it after its been cleaned up!

    • When he wake up, take him outside immediately and tell him "go potty." Don't give up until he goes, and then PRAISE him. Pick him up and talk in a high pitched voice to let him know how pleased you are.After he eats, do the same thing. In between waking and eating, take him out every 2 hours. Repeat above.If you catch him squatting in the house? Don't beat him...just say NO! really loud and deep voiced! Then take him out and do the "go potty, thing"Good Luck!

    • you are supposed to take the dog outside when it looks like it is about to release, and if you are too late you are supposed to rub the dog's nose in it, but i don't think that works, seems cruel and unusual, i guess, everytime it uses the bathroom in the house put it outside so it will learn that what it did was bad, and then it will learn

    • when he pees in the house you kick the shit out of him and throw him outside. then ignore him and act like you never met him for awhile. then invite him back in and be sure to take him out to pee/poop regularly and praise him when he does. as soon as he screws up, repeat.

    • The easiest and fastest way is to use the crate method. Buy a crate and make it the puppy's home. It should be just large enough for him to sleep - it should be his "den". He will not pee or poop where he sleeps. Let him out for feeding, playing (short periods of time, but often), and walks. Let him out after he eats, first thing in the morning, and often during the day. Keep in mind that he's young and his bladder is small. He'll need to go out every couple of hours - even in the middle of the night. As a general rule he'll be able to hold it for one hour for every month (4 months = 4 hours).

    • When I trained my puppy, I was very consistent. I had her on a leash at all times(puppies should not have free range of the whole house). When she was in the house I had her on her blanket tied up in the room that I was mainly in(when they are constricted to their blanket or bed area, they will try to hold it better, cause they don't like to potty where they sleep). Remember, puppies have small bladders, so I would take them(with the leash) to the grass outside every half hour to an hour, and about fifteen minutes after they eat or drink. I'd stay out with her, and when she did go, I would praise her and give her some 'love'. Then when I brought her back in the house, I would try to get her to sit and give her a treat.I know it sounds like a lot of work, but it's amazing how much it works. Puppies are a lot of work, but it can be such a good feeling when they start doing what your training.

    • Every 15 minutes call the dog by its name.....and say come on let's go potty and he/she will get use to when he/she want to patty....he/she knows to go to the door.All The Best And Good Luck

    • Always take the puppy outside after each meal and water drinking and then set a schedule for the puppy. Like taking it out every hour on the hour to the same spot and find a word to symbolize going to the bathroom. I use "outside" for my husky hybrid and she knows when I say it, she has to pee. It works, and scold it whenever it goes to the bathroom in the house. Say "NO" load and firm and then immediately outside the its spot.


    • :) I had that same problem once so this would be pretty darn easy for me to answer.All you have to do is take your dog for a walk every 30 minutes u can.At first you want to make the walks short then start making them a little bit longer each week.Then your dog should start getting use to going potty out side nothing to it,and if your dog goes potty inside rub its nose in it and then take it for a walk.(It gives you and your pup/or dog more exercise which is very good if you know what I mean.)

    • the second answer by Michent is correct. I own my second Golden Retreiver now. She is 6. I reward good behavior and tell them about unacceptable behavior. I label behaviors with words and then I say good or no. We raised our dogs in a daycare setting, so it was no licking and stay down. My dog barks only when someone comes to the door. She isn't allowed to bark incessantly and she knows this. Its unacceptable. They want to please and will try very hard to do so. Like with a child, be consistent and act immediately when you see a wrong behavior.

    • Basically it depends on the age of the dog as well as how well one can control his or her pet.since you are holding it for somebody you wouldnt have that much control over the puppy. the best way to go about this is to potty train the puppy just as you would a kid. if it goes in the house then punish him for it and in the process teach him to go outside by taking him outside and pointing out the correct place to releive himself. if required spank him for his actions. but we warned it does take time to train them.

    • When I got my puppy, we had this problem.I had to train him with what "go poddy" means.Watch him. If he starts sniffing around, like he's looking for a spot to go, get him outside immediately. While he's outside, stay out there with him. Repeat "Go Poddy", in a friendly tone every few seconds. When he finally goes, praise him by telling him "Good Boy" or girl, depending... Make sure he knows that you are happy when he eliminates outside. You are going to have to do this for a while until he 'gets' it.Watch him carefully when he is in the house. Try to catch him if he starts to go. Dogs have ADD. You cannot punish him for something he did 5 minutes ago, he won't remember.Catch him in the act or just after, when it's still warm. Stop him be yelling "No!" Bad Dog, or whatever you wish. He will stop, alarmed. Use that time to put him outside immediate and do what was said above.If you find it just after he did it, he will remember. Dogs know their own smell. Take hime to the spot, tell him "No", "bad dog" etc. Put him outside and wait for him to go. During and after his elimination, praise him (exaggerated) and keep at it. Before you know it, he or she will be telling you that he has to go by waiting by the door, whining, etc.:-)One thing that was helpful was using different terms for #1 and #2. I had to identify which one he was doing to him.If he was going #1, I told him "Go poddy". When he started to go #1, I would say "Good Boy Go Poddy OUTSIDE Good Boy!" make sure that he knew that I was pleased with him going #1 outside. (Dogs will figure out what outside and inside mean if yousay it while they are going in or going out, but you have to be consistent, RELIGIOUS about it)The problem I faced was when I took him out, I would say go poddy, so he would pee, but I wanted him to poop too.I did the ssame as above, but changed go "poddy" to go "poop". I would tell him to go poop. Watch him, wait til he goes and tell him "Good Boy! Go Poop Outside! Good Boy!"Also when you are reprimanding him for going inside, remember to reprimand for for going #1 or #2 specifically.For instance: "No. Bad Dog! Go Poop OUTSIDE!" and put him outside.