How can I stop my male cat from urinating on the bathroom rugs?

I am fed up with my 5 yr old cat. He sneaks into the bathroom and pees all over the throw rug. I try to keep the door closed, but he manages to get in. I love him dearly, and I don't know what to do, please help!

    How can I stop my male cat from urinating on the bathroom rugs?

    I am fed up with my 5 yr old cat. He sneaks into the bathroom and pees all over the throw rug. I try to keep the door closed, but he manages to get in. I love him dearly, and I don't know what to do, please help!...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I stop my male cat from urinating on the bathroom rugs?...

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    • How can I stop my male cat from urinating on the bathroom rugs?

      How can I stop my male cat from urinating on the bathroom rugs? Other Pet Discussions
      I am fed up with my 5 yr old cat. He sneaks into the bathroom and pees all over the throw rug. I try to keep the door closed, but he manages to get in. I love him dearly, and I don't know what to do, please help!

      How can I stop my male cat from urinating on the bathroom rugs?

      How can I stop my male cat from urinating on the bathroom rugs? Other Pet Discussions
    • Put on some good, tough gloves, and get ahold of the cat and rub his face in the smelly mess. He will stop doing it -- IF you can hold him still long enough to do that.

    • well for starters, dont leave the rug on the floor. pick it up after a shower etc. this will help out a lot.also you can get rid of that one and get a new one. part of the problem is that cats go back to where they smell their smell. He smells his pee in that rug and so he goes again, they also go where they can scratch, and rugs almost can feel the same to a cat as liter does.

    • I would take him to the vet to rule out any illness. Then I would try Comfort ZOne by Feliway in the bathroom, followed by confining him to a small area with a pan, food, and water. Try training litter. Wash everything with beach and a product called Nature's Miracle. Also, if his pan is old, you may want to try changing that. Also, you may want to get a black light to see if there are any suprises anywhere else. Nature's Miracle will clean/ take care of that. (Pee glows)

    • my kittie has done the same thing...only she is a spade female.i finally gave up and took the rugs off the bathroom floor! I only put them out if company is coming...kittie hides at that point so no chance of an accident.hope this helps...also with male cats having them neutered does help...but like i say only about 1 in 10 cats uses their litter box consistently!to the person with the "rub it's face in it theory" I hope someone rubs your face in your poo!!!

    • NEVER rub a pet's face in his/her waste. It's abusive and teaches the animal nothing. He has no idea why you're doing it. Your first course of action should be to neuter your boy if he isn't already. If he is, have a vet check him out to rule out health problems. If all that is in order, try thinking about things from your cat's perspective. What could be bothering him? Have you moved recently or had some other big change? Have you brought another cat or other pet into the household? Could there be a stray in the area that is making him feel his territory is threatened? Is his litter box very clean at all times? Is there at least one litter box per cat in the household? Could he be feeling neglected? Stressed? Uncertain of his place in the family? Any number of things could be bothering him. Talk to your vet. Good luck, and be patient. He's not doing it with malicious intent. It's just instinct.