How can I make my cat stop biting the electricity cables?

I have a beautiful female cat of about one year. The problem is that I can't have any cables when she's around. She's already broken three phones and two of my cellular charges...What can i do to make her behave?

    How can I make my cat stop biting the electricity cables?

    I have a beautiful female cat of about one year. The problem is that I can't have any cables when she's around. She's already broken three phones and two of my cellular charges...What can i do to make her behave?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I make my cat stop biting the electricity cables?...

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    • How can I make my cat stop biting the electricity cables?

      How can I make my cat stop biting the electricity cables? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a beautiful female cat of about one year. The problem is that I can't have any cables when she's around. She's already broken three phones and two of my cellular charges...What can i do to make her behave?

      How can I make my cat stop biting the electricity cables?

      How can I make my cat stop biting the electricity cables? Other Pet Discussions
    • There is this stuff I bought at the local Pet smarts called bitter apple. It is bottle of liquid that you spray on anything that you would not want you pet to bite on. Mine left it alone because it taste like crap. I could not smell it, so it won't stink up your house, but it sure does keep the pets from biting.

    • To the first responder, no, they won't stop if they are electrocuted. Mine didn't. I tried everything, apple bitter, vinegar, the works. The best thing I have learned is to a) give your cat attention when they try biting the cord, a lot of the time it is a cry for attention, and b) use a water bottle to squirt them when they start chewing on something. You can try the apple bitter spray, they sell it at pet stores. It may work better on your cat. Some people recommended to me to wrap the cords in tin foil, they won't like that on their teeth and will stop. Also wrap your cords up good, don't leave them exposed for the cat to easily chew on. I know it is SUCH a pain, my cat has a bad habit of destroying mouse cords. Good luck!- My cat has destoyed between one and two dozen mouse cords and half a dozen cell phone chargers, not to mention a brand new ethernet cable, christmas tree lights, and two usb cables. I think that's it. He has recently stopped with the spray bottle technique and the extra attention I am giving him.

    • You can wrap your cables with aluminum foil the same used for cooking. When your cat tries to chew the cables again, it will get a discomfort feeling on its mouth and won't chew on them anymore.It worked with my three dogs.

    • mine used to chew the cords off alarm clocks. I bought a wrapper from ratshack that is like a tube about 1" in diameter with a split in one side . They don't like that as much and it protects the cord from them chewing on it even if they do. Are they only chewing on cords when you are around? If so they're just lonely little kitties and you should give them love.

    • Bitter apple should work very well. Has your cat done this all along? If your cat is an indoor cat, try some greens that grow in a pot. Cats really like to chew on those. You can buy them in pet shops or buy some "oats n'groats"(Kaytee) like you feed to parakeets and sprout them on a moist paper towel in a dark place, then plant in some dirt. When they get about 4-5", offer them to the cat.

    • buy some hot chili pepper (the green ones, not the red ones). cut it on one end then rub it on your cables. your kitty will find the surprise of its life the next time it bites the cable, and it'll remember not to bite will iritate the mucosa of your cat for some time, but it won't do any harm to your cat's mouth. its actually antibacterial and even has antioxidant activity.hope your cat doesn't get electrocuted!